29 | It's a date

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"Will you stop freaking out!" Nancy grunted, pulling the brush away before Y/n's nerves ended up ruining her work. "But what if he changes his mind?" they rambled looking worried as Robin pulled an outfit out of the wardrobe, laying it on the bed. "Y/n/n, you cannot be serious. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Robin gasped, shaking her head at them and ignoring their protests. They gave in seeing the looks they were given, sighing and picking up the outfit and getting changed. Almost as if he knew, the door knocked, signalling Eddie was here, ready to pick them up. "I'll get it!" Dustin assured, walking over and opening the door to greet his best friend.

"Dustin!" He greeted; his mouth slightly agape as he wasn't quite expecting to be met with their brother. "Eddie." he said, trying to intimidate the older male. "You better not mess this up Munson. Hurt them and..." he started rambling, their conversation getting cut off as Y/n exited the room, Nancy and Robin trailing behind. "...Hi." Eddie breathed out, eyes locked on them and unable to move his gaze. "Hi." They smiled back, walking towards him, only a few steps in front of him now. "You look pretty. Not that you don't every day but-" he stumbled on his words, the others watching in amusement as they saw him get flustered. "Thank you, Eds., You look pretty good too." They complimented back, both their cheeks heating up. They hooked their arm in his, walking towards the door. "Have fun! Keep Y/n safe Eddie." Dustin glared, the pair of them holding their laughs in until he closed the door, unable to take him seriously.

This was going to be a good night.


They had agreed to go see a horror movie that had been recently released and to say it was shit was an understatement. "Hey." Eddie whispered, leaning towards them and talking into their ear which sent shivers down their spine as goosebumps covered their body. They looked at him so he knew they were listening. "How about we ditch this movie and go do something else?" he suggested, Y/n frowning for a second before looking back at the screen. They soon nodded at him, the pair getting up and swiftly making their way out of the theatre. "Come on." he urged, taking their hand and jogging through the corridor, out of the building and back to his van. "What do we do instead?" Y/n asked, curious as to what Eddie's plan was. He didn't respond, instead opening their car door before heading round to the driver's side and getting in himself. Y/n complied, shutting the door behind them and putting their seat belt on. "I know a place we could go." he commented, not expanding on his idea which made Y/n let out a groan.

After around ten minutes of driving, he pulled up to a forest area, Y/n feeling a bit uneasy due to previous events and he noticed. He intertwined his hand with theirs, squeezing it to assure they were okay. He opened the back of his van, pulling out his guitar and a back pack. Gently, he reconnected his hand with theirs, leading them through the maze of trees. Eventually, they had reached the top of a hill, high enough for them to see the town and the lights shining, the area relatively quiet with the occasional people walking by for whatever reason. He sat down on the grass, gesturing Y/n to do the same. They followed, resting their head on his shoulder immediately as they took in the view. Nothing was said, no declarations exchanged, but they both knew what the other was thinking - a mutual feeling between the two.

He watched as Y/n got up, walking over to the ledge, standing a bit behind as they didn't want to risk the chance of falling. He gently pulled his guitar out of the case, placing the strap over his head. The sound of the familiar chords reached Y/n, a soft smile on their face as they turned to face Eddie who was practically beaming with smug at them, knowing their favourite song on guitar. "I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me." they sang softly, Eddie raising an eyebrow as they had never heard them sing, loving their voice even more, addicted to it at this point. "And I can't get enough of you baby, can you get enough of me?" he joined in, Y/n laughing at the voice crack he had but he didn't care, looking at them with nothing but love and admiration.

"Did you learn that for me?" Y/n asked, turning their head slightly in curiosity, knowing he'd never mentioned he could play it before. "I already knew it." he grinned, taking the guitar off and setting it aside as he pulled them into his lap. "You did?! How come you never told me!" they huffed, looking at him with wide eyes out of shock. He didn't respond, instead pulling up his sleeve to reveal a tiny Kiss tattoo just below his shoulder. "You asshole!" they grumbled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he laughed. "I love you Y/n/n." he confessed, a silence setting over as he realised what he had said.

The first time either of them had said I love you outside of everything that had happened. He looked back at them nervously when they didn't respond for a while. Then, their eyes met his, an assuring smile on their face as he felt relief consume him. "I love you too." they grinned, leaning in and pressing their forehead to his. It felt right - this was where he belonged, this was his home. Y/n. "Say that again." he whispered, Y/n giggling, their lips only a few inches away, able to feel the others breath. "I love you too, Eddie Munson." they slightly teased, both of them leaning in and connected their lips for a delicate but passionate kiss.

It had been a rough couple of months, but he had finally found his reason to live, and he wouldn't change it for the world.

I was made for lovin' you | Eddie munson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now