Chapter Seventeen-Our Past Together

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'Y/N!' A familiar voice says.

Huh? Who's calling me?

I try to open my eyes but they feel too heavy.

'Y/N!!!' The voice calls again, louder this time.

Then my eyes all of a sudden open. I see a clear, blue sky. I remember it being night when I last closed my eyes. I try to sit up and realize that I'm back to the flower field that I was on before I turned into a Guardian.

Hm. Weird. I feel...different. I look down to see that my clothes are different. What is going on? Why are my clothes different? I don't understand. Where's Jack and the other Guardians?

"Sunshine!" I hear behind me.

I flinch at the nickname. I turn my head to see a boy standing behind me, smiling and holding some flowers. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and he is shoes? Wait. I have seen his face somewhere...

Then it hits me.

"JACK?" I say, a bit too loud.

He is a taken back by my sudden reaction. "Uh...yeah?"

"Wait, I don't get it. I mean, why am I dressed differently? And why is your hair different? And- and your eyes? And why are you still not wearing shoes?" I ask in shock.

He just looks at me like I'm crazy but just says, "what do you mean? I have always looked this way. And you have been dressed like that since I saw you earlier today."

I just stare at him confused. "Can you tell me where we are right now?"

"Well we're on the date that you-"

"DATE? WHAT DATE?" I yell, standing up.

"Well, you suggested that we went here for our first date," he says, looking even more confused. Then he remembers something and blushes. "Uh, also...I got these for you."

He hands me the flowers. I just stare at him with my mouth open. Is this real? It can't be! I mean, me and Jack...?

I smile awkwardly at the sudden gift but thank him anyways. I can't believe this.

"Come on!" he says. "I have a surprise for you!"

He takes my hand and I flinch but just play along since I know this can't get any weirder.

He took me into the forest and we walked for about five minutes before we arrived at a treehouse. I climbed up the ladder to find the treehouse filled with fireflies and food.

"Surprise!" Someone says. I look to my side to see a girl that looks a bit younger than me. She looks a lot like Jack.

"Y/n," Jack says. "This is my sister. She has been wanting to meet you ever since I told her about you."

"Hi! I have heard so much about you! I am so excited to finally meet you!" She says quickly, shaking my hand.

I just laugh at her excitement. "It's nice to meet you too."

She starts talking about Jack and how he talks about me a lot. She also talks about other things but I can't focus right because grey clouds start to form and the wind picks up its speed.

"Hey," I say, cutting her off. "Sorry to interrupt you but can we take this somewhere else? I'm getting a bit worried because of the wind-"

I freeze. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jack asks.

"M-move," I mumble.

"What?" Jack says.

"MOVE! NOW!" I yell, looking at him. He just gives me a confused look.

Trista is right in front of my eyes and trying to strike a spell. Obviously, Jack and his sister don't move because they can't see Trista. So I just get in front of them and take the spell.

My whole body shivers in pain and I fall to the floor. Jack calls for me but I don't have the strength to answer. So I just close my eyes.


My eyes snap open and I gasp for air. With every breath my body hurts. I look around to see that I am lying down on a bed in a room at the workshop.

"Y/N!" I see Jack back to his normal looks.

"Jack?" I say. And then sigh in relief. "You're okay."

I sit up and hug him. We stay like that for a moment but then he hugs me back and I smile.

We both let go and I look around.

"Where are the others?" I ask, frowning.

"They are taking the kids home," he says. "Y/N."

I look back at him. He is acting different today. Weird.

He smiles. "We defeated Trista."

"We- we did?" I ask.

He nods. And I smile. Then I remember my dream.

"Jack..." I say. "I had a weird dream. It felt more like a flashback. And you were in it looked—different."

He frowns. "I guess what Tooth left here is what I think it is."

He hands me a shiny thing that looks exactly like the things where Tooth stores the teeth.

"Tooth not only stores teeth but she also stores-"

"Memories," we both say. I nod. "She told me about it. So that dream that I had...was a memory."

He nods.

"Can I ask you a question?" I say.

"Okay," he says.

"Why where you so mad at me when I first joined the Guardians? And don't you dare lie to me because I swear-"

He laughs. "Okay, okay. It's not because I was mad at you. I was upset."

I tilt my head in confusion. "Upset?"

"Upset of the fact that you didn't remember...our past together. Strangely, that's the only thing that I remember of my past life before Tooth showed me. You and me. I had so many memories with you that when I saw you that day, I called you by the nickname that I used to call you just to see if you would remember. Of course you didn't. And I was so surprised to see you alive that I tried to push my feelings away because I was scared of loosing you again."

I just listened. Listened with shock and confusion but also...with love. I can't believe that all of this time, he always knew me. Better than anyone that I know now. How could I not remember someone as important as him? But all of this time he remembered me.

"So..." I start. "Does that mean that you..."

"I love you, Y/N. I always have. And I always will." He smiles and my heart pounds fast. I can't believe those words are coming from someone who I thought hated me.

"I- I love you too," I say, laughing. I don't know what's so funny but I just laugh.

He touches my cheek and smiles. "You are as beautiful as a winter night."

And that's he says before he kisses me. I am so happy that I feel like this is not real.

Here is chapter seventeen!

Finally managed to make a long chapter. 😍

I think I am planning to do one more before I finish this book but I hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 1165

Beautiful as a Winter Night| Jack Frost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now