Chapter 17

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Song: I Found- Amber Run

"You just hit me! Are you fucking crazy?!" Sharon shouted at Luna.

Luna smiled at her and Steve "I might be, I'll do it again, if the both of you don't leave right now." Luna said crossing her arms.

"We don't have to go anywhere" Steve said bucking up to Luna.

James, George, Zach and Sam rushed down the where Luna and Steve stood. Luna had gotten up in Steve's face by the time they got there. Zach attempted to pull Luna back, but he did not succeed.

"Yes. You. Do. Steve." Luna spit out at him returning to her spot in his face. "No one wants to be around a cheater and a liar, I'm glad I got out while I could! I would absolutely hate to be another Peggy." She added as her voice got louder with each word.

Steve turned his head and let out a scoff before he raised his hand to smack her. James grabbed Steve's hand and twisted it behind his back, pulling him to the ground. Zach and George stood over the pair as Luna laughed to herself. Scott eventually found his way over to the commotion, he gently tugged Luna back before he bent down to Steve's level.

"Time for you to go Asshat" Scott said as James let his arm go. Scott grabbed onto Steve and pulled him towards the gate.

"Well Bucky, seems to me like you move on quickly" Sharon said walking towards James. Luna felt the blood rush to her fists as she watched her get closer to him.

"Sharon, come on. It's been two months, move on." James said taking a few steps back from her. "I don't want you, I made that pretty clear. Now, leave before I escort you out"

"No James I am not leaving, does she know? Does she know you are in love with her?" Sharon said cutting her head over to Luna with a smirk on her face.

James felt the blood drain from his face as he turned his head quickly to see a smiling Luna. Luna let out a small laugh before she walked over to James and stood in front of him.

"Yes Sharon, I know all too well. That's why I was invited and you weren't. If you so much as lay a finger on him, I'm gonna make you wish you hadn't" Luna said as she took James' hand in her own.

Soft gasps filled the crowd, Luna and James' parents gasped as they witnessed the small action. James said nothing, but just stared down at their hands intertwined. He felt a smile creep up on his face before he looked up to see Sharon getting closer to Luna. He immediately stepped infront of Luna as Sharon approached her blocking Sharon's view of her.

"Oh yeah...- well... you can have him. I don't want him!" She spit out before she stormed out of the back gate.

"HE NEVER WANTED YOU ANYWAYS" Luna yelled from behind James as she watched Sharon stomp out of the back gate.

The music volume started to come to life again. Luna turned to face James, smiling as she looked up at him. Everyone around them started to talk amongst themselves again, completely forgetting the situation from a few seconds ago.

"So Bucky, you're in love with me?" Luna said as she giggled.

James hung his head and laughed at her. "Yes Luna, I'm in love with you. Not the way I wanted you to find out, but here we are" James said releasing her hand. Luna groaned as the connection between them broke. "Yeah, gotta love the ex girlfriends" She said as she turned to watch the crowd around them.

James rubbed the back of his neck and groaned to himself. Sam clapped his shoulder and laughed at the situation. James turned his head to look at him with a smile on his face. "And you thought it was gonna be me who let the secret out" Sam said throwing his head back in laughter. James rolled his eyes at him. "Well, you know. You can't keep a secret for shit" "This is true BuckNasty, this is very true" Sam sighed. "Again, stop calling me BuckNasty, okay? It's embarrassing" James groaned.

Overlooked Love { Bucky Barnes x OC}Where stories live. Discover now