Ch5 The Goddess of Light, P3

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Chapter 5: The Goddess of Light (3)

The rift was enormous, and the demon beasts pouring out were beyond counting. Kye and company were watching from outside the food court. Most of the group had never seen a demon beast before, but Kye and Alethea both had trained long enough in Daemonheim to know how big of a threat the sight in the sky posed.

"Shi-chan, what do we do?" Alethea asked.

Kye shook her head. "I'll contact my mother." A moment later, Kye could hear Layla's voice.

"Kye, I can't talk right now. Something big came up."

"Are you talking about the rift in the sky?"

"You're still in Arslade?"


"Allison is on the way. I have to stay here and fight. There's a rift over Atlantis, Drachen City, and New Tokyo. I'm at the one above New Tokyo."

"What is going on? Four rifts nearly simultaneously?"

"It's out of nowhere. Unprecedented. We got the call shortly after you left the training grounds and had to leave without telling you. Kye, use your true power. This is no time to hold back."

"I'll use white aether if I have to, but I'm going to stick with light aether otherwise. But don't worry, any aether is-"

"I know. Listen, the battle is getting intense here. I have to focus. Be safe!"

The call ended, and Kye turned to Alethea. "There's a rift above each capitol city. It seems the adult royals here had already gone to fight elsewhere before this one appeared. It's just us for now. Allison is coming, so we just need to hold out until then."

"Okay. I'll handle the announcement," Alethea said. She quickly pulled up a window on her NeuraPhone labled "PSA" and started speaking. "I am Alethea Atlantis and this is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill. All citizens, students, or otherwise non-combatants are ordered to take shelter indoors. All combatants prepare for battle and follow the chain of command." Alethea repeated the message once, then turned off the PSA function and took a deep breath. "Shi-chan, I'm sensing some really powerful mana signatures up there."

"Yeah. Definitely a bunch of A-ranks leading the charge." Kye squinted, focusing on one particular spot in the sky. "I see a mass of mana dense enough to be S-rank."

"Can we even fight that?"

"I'd rather not..." She turned to the Venturi sisters. "Escort Louise and Isabel to the dorm and stay there. That's an order."


"No. This is an emergency. Go!"

Liliana grabbed Louise's wrist and Aliana took Isabel's hand, and they teleported.

"We're up."

"How long do you think we have to hold out?"

"I could win a war of attrition against a hoard of A-ranks, but that S is the problem. Worst case scenario, I'll take it on."

"What will you do?"

"I'll explain later. Let's go."


A short while earlier...

"Lord Apollyon, urgent news! Atlantis, Drachen City, and New Tokyo are under attack. A rift as large as each city appeared and demon beasts are pouring out!"

"Impossible! There are no rifts open on Daemonheim!"

"I can't explain that."

"Where are they coming from? No, that's not important right now. Mobilize our elites. I want every location backed up immediately! We'll lead the forces ourselves!"

Elysia in Another WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz