Ch 60 (Extra 35)

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In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make - Pei Hao posted a circle of friends in the airport terminal of .The Beatles when they returned home. There are two pictures, one is the starry sky last night, and the other is the hand with Moxie's fingers.

No text, no grouping, no obscuring, all visible.

Chen Xu was the first person to brush this state. He clicked on Pei Hao's homepage and found that his signature had been changed to: I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated.

Seeing this sentence, Chen Xu's first thought was the person in the hospital that Pei Hao was always concerned about. It must be him. Pei Hao only had him in his eyes.

Although a little lost, Chen Xu comforted himself in his heart that he was lucky, at least he didn't like a straight man. He silently exited from Pei Hao's homepage, turned off his mobile phone and prepared to go out for lunch.

Dabai, who was playing with his mobile phone in the company's tea room during his lunch break, recognized Moxie's hand at a glance - there was a thin and long white birthmark on the back of his hand. He watched this relationship for nearly eight years, and it was too much, and finally came together, not too sigh. He has also talked to more than ten boyfriends, and he is still alone. To some extent, he envies Moxie.

There are a lot of things I want to say, but I didn't send them out. In the end, I just liked it in that state, and then sent a private message to Pei Hao: You must treat him well in the future.

Pei Hao quickly replied to him: Definitely.

It didn't take long for Pei Hao's circle of friends to explode. Some liked it, some congratulations, and more asked who it was. The more familiar asked where the boy was, and the more familiar asked which beautiful woman it was. did not return.

However, Brother Dan's WeChat quickly jumped out: Is it Xiaoxi?

Pei Hao: Um

Brother Dan: What the hell, you were actually chasing it back! ! Xiaoxi is really blind...

Pei Hao: ...

Pei Hao: Go away

Brother Dan: Just kidding, I wish you two forever in love and always in the same mood, and have a precious son earlier than Jin Jian.

I saw Song Wanqin's message in that state: Mommy wishes you happiness.

When Fu Bing opened the door, he found that Pei Hao, who had always had a cold face all the year round, was staring at the phone, his eyes were wet, and he couldn't help but ask, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Pei Hao wiped the corners of his eyes. Turning off the phone, "The wind is a bit strong."

"Oh..." Fu Bing glanced at the closed window next to him, but did not expose him.

It's not easy to know the foreign love just by listening to these three words, not to mention that there is an entire Pacific Ocean between them.

Pei Hao will find a way to visit him in the United States every once in a while. Moxie doesn't think they meet too often, but just thinks it's too tiring for him to fly around like this. Once when Pei Hao had a stomach problem, he insisted on taking the plane for more than ten hours. When he got home, he lay down on the sofa in pain. Mo Xi was anxious and angry, but he couldn't do anything about him.

He fed the medicine, boiled the porridge, and put it into Pei Hao's mouth one by one. Seeing that he was getting better, Mo Xi didn't hold back, but made a fuss: "If you don't sacrifice your life, I think we should separate temporarily. already."

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