Chapter Two

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Dean's POV:

"He's waking up," a man's voice said as he placed his cold hands on my forehead. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. I knew it and it was something comforting.

My eyes fluttered open and I was instantly regretting it. The white blinding light had me wincing in pain. Instantly shutting my eyes back again. I slowly opened them again and saw the silhouette of the man. My eyes focused in more as I realized it was my angel. I was in heaven. Cass was here. Everything felt different now. I knew everything would be okay once I saw my angel's face here in heaven. I felt at peace. I felt free. Everything is going to be okay.

"Dean," Cass began, "You're still alive."

My head snapped up, "What! Why!" Just great, my job wasn't complete yet.

"What do you mean 'Why'?" Sam chimed in. He gave the look of confusion with a shake of his head. His hair flows with every shake. He really did need a haircut. One of these days, I will cut his hair. Even if he is asleep, I will cut it.

I began to say something more but when I started to cough and choke on my own throat. I needed water and desperately. Castiel scrambled to grab the cup full of lukewarm water. He handed it to me in haste and I drank it like it was the only lifeline in this building. Water rolling down my shirt soaking in the fabric of my hospital dress. Why was I in the hospital in the first place?

I looked at Cass and asked just that, "Why am I here? I thought you laid your hands on me." I finished the contents in the container.

Cass looked away and Sam answered, "Dean, there's been some issues."

Of course, there were issues. There were always fucking issues. When in our life have there never been issues? "What is it now?" I said in an exhausted tone. I shook my head lightly bracing myself for more of the same old spiel.

"I have started to lose my angelic abilities. After healing you - partially - my angelic abilities started to fade and I couldn't complete you." He looked away from my view. He looked ashamed but there was no need to feel that. I was grateful for what Cass could give me. He has done so much for us. I should be the one in shame for pulling him from heaven to save my sorry ass again from the brink of death.

"Dean, I'm sorry--" Cass began.

"Cass, you have nothing to be sorry for. You did everything you could and that is all that matters. Thank you for saving us." And I meant every word. I looked around and saw Sam having the same expression on his face. He was appreciative just as much as me.

Once more looking around, I noticed my clothes were replaced by fresh ones and someone cleaned me up. I was guessing it was Cass. But then again, if his powers were fading then maybe it wasn't him. I looked at Sam and noticed he had on fresh clothes as well. Underneath his clothing I could see the bandages but nothing that stood out in majority. Like a broken arm or a wound that gushed blood. He looked like he had been in a hospital for a few days and had the rest that came with it.

"How long?" that's all I could ask.

Sam knew the answer before Cass could register what it was, "Week and a half." Sam didn't even bat an eye saying that. I was here for that long. I didn't think I was that bad off. I mean I got injured multiple times before and nothing put me in the hospital that long.

"That long, huh?" Sam just shook his head.

"Dean, I got the major bleeding to stop but I couldn't get all of you healed. I barely helped at all. Once we moved your body, the wound reopened and you were bleeding out again. I stayed and took care of the mess while Sam got you and the kids to the hospital. The police were questioning Sam when I arrived. I- I tried to heal you again but I guess my batteries are lower than I expected. Would you like me to try again?" Cass started to place his hand back on my forehead. I moved quickly and immediately regretted it. My head was spinning and I was about to vomit. Maybe I should just let him try.

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