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("The Dive" II; "The Massacre at Hawkins Lab" I)

THE DARK NIGHT SKY LOOMED OVER THE TOWN OF HAWKINS, INDIANA, MAKING THE SMALL TOWN PRACTICALLY PITCH BLACK. Penny missed the bright sky that was lightened up by the beautiful sunlight. Though it was nice, Penny thought the dark night was too ominous and when things got ominous, Penny got pessimistic—and Penny did not like to be pessimistic.

But despite the depressing state of the outdoors at that moment, Penny still followed after Dustin who was going too fast for everyone's liking.

Penny let out a small laugh as she watched Eddie go after the boy, on her way through some bushes.

"I think we're getting close," the curly-haired boy announced, taking huge strides through the woods. The next step that the boy took nearly landed him into water, because of how close he wandered off to the edge of the ground. Luckily, Eddie grabbed the back of the boy's sweatshirt before he could fall into cold water.

"Watch your step, big guy," Eddie warned the youngest Henderson.

"Oh man," Steve announced, looking out ahead of him at the calm body of water. "you've got to be shitting me."

"Yeah. I thought these woods were familiar," said Eddie.

At the boys' words, Penny looked out to try and get a sense of what she was seeing. When she finally realized where Dustin had led everyone, she shook her head.

"Lover's Lake," Robin announced dreamily.

Penny looked out across the lake trying to remember what it looked like when the sun was out and reflecting its rays on the cold water. She smiled as she could remember rowing on a small, run-down boat with her dad to watch the Fourth of July Fireworks when she was thirteen, or when she forced her friends to pretend like there was a shark attack for her film—Frank played the shark. She loved the lake—like the name, it really was a place for love.

"It's so beautiful at night," she spoke softly.

Steve looked over at her and smiled and she smiled back.

"This is confounding," affirmed Dustin.

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max said surprised, her face contorted in confusion.

"How is that possible?" questioned Margaret. She turned to Charlie with a hopeful expression. "Any explaination science genius?"

He just shrugged, a stupid grin on his face because of the look she gave him. Margaret chuckled at him—she didn't roll her eyes that time.

"I have an explanation," Nancy revealed. "Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way."

"How sweet. They're leading us to our death," Frank quipped. Penny snorted at his words which made Frank loaugh.

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES ; STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now