Evil God x Fem!Reader

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Thanks for all the requests guys! As summer starts to wind down I can't promise I'll be able to pump these out, the only reasons I have is because I needed a warm up before writing my book. Maybe on weekends during school I'll do x readers though.

Also, please try to keep your requests on the requests and rules part just so they're all in one place.

Also evil god looks more human unless you like a dude made up of a thousand hands.

Tbh I don't like this one very much so if you want I can make a part two or whatever but yeah.

Requested by 


Yet another crazy day in Jigoku. Is anyone really surprised?

6 AM, get out of bed, shower, eat, turn everything in the castle on, yada yada. Boring stuff. 

Then, I see Kazuya when he's still Kazuya. He's tired and loopy in the morning. He'll walk around with his bedsheets. It's cute. Cutely annoying. I have to convince him to work.

I helped him overthrow Shinigami, like, come on.

I drag him to his throne, and start bringing in dead souls, helping him with requests.

Then, guess who?


"You're back." He rose from his seat, growling. I cowered. I could help fight to an extent, I've fought his men, but he's powerful, what could I do?

"Yes, I always planned on it." He smirked. He pointed, and in stormed his men, the same men I fought once before. I ran to grab a weapon. So much for a maybe calm day...

I started picking off his men, one by one. Shinigami and Kazuya... sorry, the evil god went head to head, bringing out their scythes and swinging and swinging at each other. I stared for too long at them and got my head wacked. The other servants were nowhere to be found. I help the men off from getting too deep into the palace while yelling out for my fellow servants.

I opened a door into a closet and found them hiding.

"What are you doing?" I yelled, smacking away the men.

"Avoiding the fight." One mumbled.

"You knew about this happening when you signed up to be a servant, come on!" I growled, throwing them out of the closet. Some went to grab a weapon, some just left, honestly though I'm glad they did.

I threw the men trying to get into the palace off the higher part of the castle and dove down with them, making sure they stayed down.

"Ugh! You will see me again, and I won't stop until I've reclaimed what I've lost!" Shinigami yelled as he ran away.

"Did we loose some people?" The evil god asked.

"Of course we did." I sighed. 


At nighttime everyone slows down, though there's almost always noise. Kazuya is annoying and begging me to go to bed, not just every night but especially right now oh my god give me a second.

I'm sleepy though so I'm joining him in bed I guess. Love that annoying man.

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