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(A/N: tw; blood, cursing (not really a sensitive part anymore lol), and abuse)

Minju looks at her two friends and she asked them "Am I seriously that pretty...?"

Seoyeon nodded "If I'm going to be honest, I wish I had the features on your face."

She then thinks "Then um.. do you think Chu Jimin would like it?"

Seoyeon blinks as she looks at Lee Know to Minju "You like who now...?"

Minju realized who she just said and covered her mouth because they didn't know she had feelings for someone "It's..."

"Are you deaf?" Lee Know said and looks at Seoyeon

"Who did she say then?"

He sighs "Chu Jimin" he looks away

Seoyeon was shocked and grabbed her shoulder "Jiwoo's brother?!"

Minju slowly nodded when she looked at Lee Know then at Seoyeon

"Since when...?"

"I think I've liked him ever since I met him. He may just seem like the other boys at first but we've talked and he's nothing like his outside. He's kind and gives me advice."

"Oh my goshhh~ I'm so jealous!" Seoyeon was covering her mouth from the shock of the story

Lee Know looks at Seoyeon and Minju "You have a boyfriend!" he told Seoyeon

She glares at him and smacks the back of his head "I love him very much" she hissed

Lee Know rubs the back of his head and leans his elbow on the desk "Aghhh...my head"

Minju smiled at the two bickering


Geonu's mother was helping Geonu clean the wounds and she asked him while he was trying to man up from the hissing pain of the cotton hitting his cheek with alcohol "Why did you get into a fight..?" she was quiet as she knew that his father will be pretty mad with him

"It's his fault, I'm sick of being their shuttle"

"It's definitely your friends fault" She snickered at their friend drama

"Ow ow ow!- Mom!" He flinched at the pain

"Sorry.." She puts alcohol more gentle and his father came into the room

"I got informed on what happened...

Lee Geonu"

His mother puts the bandage on his cheek and he looks at his father

"Why did you have to curse in front of that lady?"

"Because dad! Lim Ji"

He got cut off "I don't want your explanation. She said you kept cursing and even doing that to Lim Jimin!"

Geonu scoffs "I don't give a fuck about the reputation that Lim Jimin holds in that school, he could expel me but he's too much of a pussy to do so" he paused as he felt a hard slap on his face

He touches his face as he tried moving his mouth but it was hurting badly

"Dont curse at me young boy!" His father then slams the door and leaves him and his mother who flinched and says "Are you okay..?" he breezes pass her and walks out his room to leave the house

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He was done with everyone well besides his mother because she's the only one who cares about him

Mrs Lee always spent time with Geonu as his father was always busy with work, she took him to the daycare, out to eat if he did his homework, was always there for the meetings with his teachers, cooked for him. Just what any parent would do for their child.

Geonu has grew a big liking towards her as he realized that his father never really cared. Of course they spent some times together but he realized his personality is tough as he wants him to study hard and to get into a good college.

Studying hard and getting into college is good but what about mental health? His father was always yelling at him if he didn't do well especially since he hung out rebellious friends.

Mrs Lee always wanted him to be happy with whatever he's got and she didn't care if he didn't want to go to college if that's his choice. She wants him to study hard but she knew that making Geonu study would just make him feel worse since his father always yells at him about it.

Geonu was walking with his hands in his coats pocket, he looks down as the tears were fighting in his eyes. He looked up and takes a deep breath "Ahhhh..."

He sniffles, he was so sick of being that house that gave him nothing but to just study hard all the time. He would still study to do the best for his parents but as time goes by, he doesn't want to be in his room studying anymore. He wants to hang out with better friends, go on trips, get a part time job, and probably even get himself a girlfriend.

He sits down on the bench after a bunch of walking wherever his feet leads him, he leans his back on the bench and plays with his phone case. He was thinking about if he should call Chu Jimin in this state.

He ends up calling him and putting him on speaker

"Hello...?" He could hear the rustling and chattering in the back in means that he is still in school

Geonu then said "Chuji? You still at school?"

"Uhh yeah...I am but it will be over soon"

"Is that so...?"

"Why are you calling me.?" Chu Jimin looks at his phone then puts the phone to his ear, taking off the speaker "Is something wrong...? It's in your voice"

Geonu's voice sounded a bit husky from the crying of earlier and he nodded "Mhm..it's about my father again"

"Are you okay..? Did he hit you again..."

Geonu hates to admit it but that was the truth, he was abused by his father


Chu Jimin checks his phone to find out that Lim Jimin was making a post about Geonu as if it was the past where he was the one last year in his place "Yahh...did something happen with you and Lim Jimin?"

"I don't give a fuck about him.."

"He's making a whole exposing post" Chu Jimin got cut off

"He could do whatever he likes"

"True...he made exposing posts about me and you. He's never changed."

"I cursed him out today..."

Chu Jimin smiled as Geonu was becoming more enthusiastic with his talking, this was the old Geonu that he use to talk too. Where he didn't have worry, it was just him and Geonu.

They use to be through everything together, like the pc cafe, cafe, video games at home, going out to eat, skipping school. He realized how much he actually did miss him.



"Do you want to meet on the weekends?"

"Oh. Sure? I mean that would be fun..."

Chu Jimin smiles and says "What were you saying?"

"Then I got in trouble with my father! For..."

He fell silent and Chu Jimin speaks "Are you still there Geonu...?"

"Because..I defended a person who still means a lot to me. Who I still think of"

Chu Jimin blinks innocently

"My only true best friend, Chu Jimin."

Chu Jimin felt like tearing up slightly from the genuineness in his voice "You did the right thing Lee Geonu.."

"I swear we need to go back to playing games together in the pc cafe"

"I'm probably better than you now.." Chu Jimin snickers

Geonu wipes his happy tears "I doubt it.."

He laughed from the other line, making the other laugh too.

They were just talking and catching up and at that point, Jimin was walking home with speaking to Geonu on the phone the whole time.

"Ah. Before you go"

Chu Jimin waited for him

"I'm still curious about this.."

"What is it...?" He said while opening the door

"Do you like Kim Minju?"

Jimin was rustling with the keys of his statement that was making him nervous that he dropped the keys

Jiwoo yelled at him from behind "Hurry up and open the door! It's so hot!" she said, as she greeted Jungwon goodbye.

Jimin picks up the keys and Jiwoo was already next to him "You're so slow..." she opens the door for them

Jimin was listening to his phone

"You've been talking to this person the whole time we got here..who is it?"

Jimin speaks "Lee Geonu"

"You mean...that Lee Geonu?"

Jimin puts his phone on speaker so Geonu could say hi "Hello Jiwoo. it's been a long time!"

"Yeah it has! I didn't know you kept in contact with my brother..."

"That? We are also friends again" Jimin turns off the speaker and went into the house once Jiwoo opens the door

Jiwoo shook her head at her brother and closed the door behind them

Jimin went to his bedroom and said "How did you know that dude...?"

"Why wouldn't I know that? It's so easy to read you. You know?"

"Please don't tell her that though..."

"I won't."

"I'm a bit worried about you though. You said you were suspended right?"

"I mean...at least I could stay home"

Chu Jimin chuckles at his comment "No but seriously. You should be at school."

"I fucking hate grades too, as much as I hate Lim Jimin" Geonu closes his eyes and leans on his bed rack "You have homework right..? I'll hang up now"

He hangs up the call and Chu Jimin looks at his phone

He was just hoping that Geonu was okay

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