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The loud music bustling from the gym. The smell of spike punch spread through the air. It was a very strong smell of alcohol lingering in the area of the school. Most were fine with the smell of booze.

Teachers were also tipsy from the sneaky brat who did it. Teens out, having "fun" with other teens. Or hitting it up in the bathroom or outside on the football field.

Why was there a party-it was for the summer school they offered finally ending. It offered them retake classes-or do classes to get credits. It was a nieve idea to do the second option, as you only have eight weeks for the classes, which means high stress.

Some did take it, only doing one class.

But one individual took a few classes, not caring for the stress she had. Someone Tyler knew-only slightly. He wished he knew more of her.

"Damn." Tyler cursed, holding his head from the music, he was drinking. He knew what was in the drink. He wasn't oblivious to the smell. A sigh lingered on his lips with the smell of the alcohol.

"You said it." He turned over, seeing the girl who took summer classes in the classroom he taught. She just took credits for next year. Now just need four classes and not eight. It was her, the one he wanted to know so much about.

It was funny on how the first year of the two went. He either clammed up around her or embarrassed himself in front of her. But the second year of high school, the two finally got relatively along. Finally, he talked to her. And over the summer break too, he couldn't contain his excitement.

Kai turned to look at him-taking her attention off of the new construction of the school building they have been working on over summer break.

Her dark brown eyes looking into his blue ones. A smile spread on her face as his heart thumped. "Mr. Lee, hello." She giggled, pushing off the wall to walk to the trash can. She shoved the red solo cup in, her eyes not going away from him. Tyler felt his throat close, she was beautiful. Stunning.

Oh, how badly he wanted to tell her what he though of her right now. Oh it was strong. But he couldn't, she wouldn't feel that way toward him.

It be weird wouldn't it?

She's be terrified to go near him, a teacher who confessed to their student.

Yeah she flirts, but that's her 'moto' her 'usual'. She flirted with everyone she talked to. Sliding dirty jokes in.

His face burned red slightly, watching Kai push her hair off her shoulder.

Her neck fully expose, only having a small spaghetti strap. Dress code was doing something when he saw her, he had to admit.

But he has to say, every part of her body was something that thrilled him.

"Congratulations on teacher all by yourself this summer. I heard it was the last part of your training. And you'll be a teacher now."

That made his heart race, it was the only congratulations he had been given today. Maybe due to teachers not liking him. Or the fact that teachers don't get praise for doing what they wanted to do.

"Thanks, Kai." He smiled.

The girl nodded, judging by the red solo cup in the trash can next to her-she could be drunk. "You're going to be teaching a few classes next year and I right?" Kai asked, walking toward him, taking the seat next to him, keeping her legs closed-pointing her legs toward him.

Her knees grazing him.

Tyler only nodded, not looking up from the table, his finger caressing the rim of the cup. It was as if he had a lump in his throat preventing him from speaking.

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