
457 16 4

???-"shes there! Get her !"

A rally of running footsteps behind me fills my ears . The ground shakes under the pressure of at least 3 or 4 grown men with rage and aggression towards me.

Like predators chasing their prey.

It was like I had five feet , tripping over each foot like a deer.

My face landed in the dirt , the piercing pain in my leg was a nice distraction from the searing agony of my busted lip.

They were getting closer and closer and with every step I felt increasingly desperate,  gripping at the dirt beneath me as if it would somehow save me

Another figure emerged

The unusual glistening of sun on his left  hand was the Yanagiba knife im familiar with , watching the adults cut sashimi or descaling fish.

Only , this one would be used for a far more sinister purpose.

And I could only wait-


I wake up , gasping for air as usual.

My hand instinctively grasps my face where the scar stretches along my tan skin.

I find myself like this most days , waking up from the nightmares of my past that still haunt me to this day.

When I wake like this , I think of my life now , my friends and what I've become.


Y/N-"Yoki! "  I shouted,  my voice still raspy from the sleep , mixed with my natural voice which is quite void of emotion and lacks the typical "high pitched tones" of a girl .

He walks in casually with a grin.

I was looking down , rubbing my eyes still plauged with the residual sleep , so I only noticed his presence from the creak of the floorboards .

Not yet looked at him,

Y/N-"get Ryuki , Saiko and the others- "

I remove my hands from my face and start picking up the empty beer cans I assumed were left by one of my friends .

Y/N-"-then tell them to meet in room 46 , I have -"

Yoki-" Ryuki isn't here"

He interrupted me , something not many people have the balls to do , I respect that.

Slightly taken back i turned to look at him , furling my eyebrows slightly as a physical display of confusion.

Y/N-"the fuck do you mean he isn't here"

Yoki-"i mean since, last night he walked out and didn't come back"


I put my head in my hands and sighed , not from sadness but frustration.

It had been a few seconds since hearing that ryuki is missing and Yoki was probably waiting for his boss to come up with a solution. 

I bent back down and picked up yet another empty glass Asahi bottle

Y/N-" get Ujīru-san to hack the security cameras where Ryuki may have been last night"

Yoki-"where should I tell him?"

I had to remember past memories of me and Ryuki going on nights out in "aki" , getting wasted in the karaoke bar and high on the piers.

Y/N-"he most likely took the Tsukubaru line to Showa-dori Road and from there go to Ameyoko . One of thoes cameras must have spotted him at some point so Get him to hack thoes . Alright?"


Yoki-"yeah i'll tell him " 

He was about to leave when I stopped him .

Y/N-"Yoki wait!"

He was listening

I swallowed my pride

Y/N-"do you think this is right, this whole situation with helping thoes sword guys?"

Yoki paused , obviously thinking of his response.

Yoki-"your my best friend Y/N , so I'm not saying this because you're my boss-. "

I took the cigarette box from my pocket , the sudden urge from the years long addiction of the nicotine sticks becoming an unconscious habit.

I took one out , lit it , breathed in the air . Still looking at Yoki

Yoki-"-i know something probably happened between you and kuryu "

I choked  , not on the contaminated,  dirty air. But in the fact that kuryus name was said.

Yoki-"and you've let everyone in Albatross (name of the gang if you don't remember) get revenge on someone for whatever reason , no matter if it inconvenienced you in any way.  "

I looked down

Yoki-"and i know for a fact that you would never do anything stupid , impulsive or random "

Yoki-"what I'm trying to say is , if this is your revenge.  Then who is anyone to get in your way"

I blew out the smoke , went over to Yoki

And pat him on the shoulder with a laugh .

-Ryuki pov-

I wasn't thinking straight,  anger clouded my thoughts.  Which is probably why I'm in this car. Embellished with all the trademark "Kuryu group " signs.

The car smelled like old leather and blood and everything down to the meticulous clean with residual whiff of bleach suggested that blood was shed in this very car

In this very seat-

???-"youre lucky"

The sudden deep voice beoke me out of my thoughts

Ryuki-"come again"

???-"if kuryu hadn't taking a liking to you , I would've killed you and your scumbag friends myself-"

Yes ,I was angry , I was upset,  I was pissed the fuck off at my friends to say the least.

But no one , fucking no one says that about them

I grab him by the collar , scratching skin with the tight grip.

His expression was one of genuine scared for a moment , despite his high status as a yakuza.

I brought him close to my face so whenever I spoke my spit would land on his glasses.

Ryuki-"say what you like about me , call them scumbags again and ill rip your fucking balls off and show them down your throat , you understand?"

I through him back to his seat.

Awkward silence filled the car for the rest of the journey .

Until I hear the crunching of stones under the car tyres meaning we've arrived at the driveway of a house .

It was huge , fancy . Like something out off an Italian mafia movie.

I got out the car when the mystery man does .

We are greeted by men dressed similarly,  and one man.

Unmistakably, him


Once both men see each other , mystery man and Kuryu , he greets him with a smile.

He opens his arms

Kuryu-"Ryu ! You made it , how great"

He turns to me

Looks me up and down

Kuryu-"and you must be Ryuki"

His smile was reminiscent of a snake , powerful yet could betray you any second and feel absolutely no remorse.

Cold and fake.

Kuryu-"well , what are you waiting for guys ."

He turns to the men around him , I assume their job is to follow him around like dogs , caring for him every step .

Kuryu-"take him in   , show him round,  make our guest feel comfortable "

I was ushered in

Ryu pov

I waited for them to leave into the expanse of the mansion before turning to kuryu.

Ryu-"i don't think he's the right one"

Kuryu took out a cigarette 

Ryu-"he still defends them , there's no way you'll get him to commit to the plan."

There was a pause.

Kuryu-" he'll work just fine"

He takes his cigarette soke in

Ryu-"and how can you be so certain?"

Kuryu-"now that we have him, we have her"

He blows out the smoke , I accident breath in the second hand air.

He drops the cigarette on the floor, stumps it out with the heel of his black polished shoes. Puts his hands in his pockets and walks in.

I follow

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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hey i want more chapter please

4d ago

Is the update done??

1y ago

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