Mother ship

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Me and Addison looked at each other.

"Addie, how did we get up here?" I asked
"No idea." She said just as shocked.

Addison turned around and punched Zed- again..

"Sorry, reflexes. Zed." She said.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.
"We got beamed up!" I said.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him.
"A-spen asked if I could help with my knowledge of seabrook." He replied.

"Aw. Poor thing, they're trying to spend alone time with you." Addison said.
"Alone time? Why?"

"Oh- okay well, I do have universal appeal" he added winking.
I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, be nice. A-spens new to feelings and human relations."

"Beware intruders!" A-li said.
"Addison? Y/n?"

"Mothership beamed you guys aboard?" A-spen asked

"I had mothership beam y/n aboard, not sure about Addison, which is strange because I usually know everything." A-lan said.

"Well we have no choice but to welcome-you."

"Al-li?" A-lan said.
"Right... welcome you.."

A-lan walked over to me.
"Hello" he said.
"Why did you beam me A-lan?" I asked.
"Well. I'm not quite sure how to put this, since I'm new to this whole "feelings" thing. But would you want to get foroyo sometime?" He asked nervously but excited.

"I'd love too." I responded with.

"Commander is here"

"You have a wonderful home." Addison said.

I watched the aliens faces drop.

"It is a marvelous ship, but it's not our home." A-lan said.

"Our planet was destroyed by environmental blight built up over many years."

"What? Over years? didn't anyone try to stop it?" I asked.

"No and we lost everything. No one spoke up." Al-li said.

"That would of led to disagreements, we value harmony."

"And we will remain one in harmony at all costs." Al-li said.

"You seem angry" Zed said.

"I'm not angry, I'm just in harmony in a super hostile way." She laughed.

She turned around said "I need to get off this planet."

"We need your help. But first." A-spen said.

"A-spen has great feelings for you." A-lan said.

(How the fuck did I miss this scene when I watched the movie-)

"And A-lan has great feelings for y/n" al-li said rolling her eyes.
I smiled.

A-lan looked away bashful.
"Ah, right about that." Zed said before I could even open my mouth.

"I've been doing research, couples can be apart."

"But we are not a couple." Zed said.

"No we are not.I'm breaking up with you. I am sorry." A-spen said.
I giggled a bit and Addison shotted me a look.

"We don't have tissues aboard, but you can use my sleeve if you must cry."
I started laughing even harder.
This is supposed to be sad. But I can't even imagine this.
A-lan looked at me confused.
"Don't worry about it" I said patting his back.

"What-" Zed said super confused.

"We'll always have the invasion."
Zed just nodded.

"As you can see they mastered the interactions of your species. And feels the three of you and can be trusted." Alan said.

"Years ago, our scout crashed in seabrook and hid a map in utopia. A new home for aliens. We came here to find it.""

"Wait, I thought you said you were here for cheer?" I questioned.

Addison and Zed looked at A-spen.

"That was a deception. We were afraid you would not allow us to find the map. Since it's hidden in the most precious thing in seabrook."

"So that's why you kept asking about the moonstone." Zed said to them.

"Yes but our scans Came back negative. It's not there. What else is precious to seabrook?" Aspen asked.

"Well.. cheer mostly.But you can't hide coordinates in a routine." I said.

Zed leaned forward against the mother ship.

"Do not touch. We're repairing the files of our scouts logs." Al-li spanned.

"With no success." A-lan frowned.
"Have you guys tired banging it-" I asked and Zed nodded.

"It works whenever my old TV's on the fritz." Zed added.

"Banging? That's highly sensitive cosmic tech! You can't just bang it!" Al-li laughed.

I hit it.


"Oh. That seems to have worked." Al-li said.

On computer: "this is scout commander 15-09. I proudly report my mission is complete. For centuries we have been without a home, but I found utopia. The perfect new planet for our people. I hid the coordinates in the most precious thing in seabrook. You must find the most precious thing in seabrook. Many decades ago, out of fuel, my scout ship crashed on this planet. I would of died if not for a young humanoid, eli. He hid me and nursed me to health. But with no ship to take me home, I was forced to hide my true identity."

"I know how that feels." Addison said.
I put my hand on her back.

On computer:"I joined eli in his school and I discovered my passion, cheerleading. I even created a trophy."

"The seabrook cup." Addison said.

Computer: "but no longer in contact with our people, my hair grew white,  and I lost my stardust powers, though I gained something else. A family. Eli and I fell in love and married. And we named our firstborn, A-Mishanta but we call her missy."

Me and Addison gasped.
"That's our moms name!" We both said.
"Grandma." Addison said before I could.

"The alien scout was your grandma!!!" Zed yelled.

"Grandma Angie was an alien! My moms an alien?" Addison said.
"You're part alien that's why the ship beamed you up too." Aspen said.

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