She sat on a chair. Took a minute to herself, a minute to try and fix her eyesight, and figure out what the hell was going on!
Other kids from her year surrounded her, they were her friends (well except one) so they would have wanted her to be okay.
Meredith, Zack, Leo, Noah, Peter and Alfie were there, in this tiny room.
The long, odd room contained about 4 bunk beds, one window with bars on, a metal door with a key card lock and grey walls. Your probably thinking that they are in prison, that does seem like a suitable way to describe it.
Kaitlin steadied herself, her eyesight slowly went back to normal, and she saw the kids surrounding her. It was a bit creepy.
"Oh... uh... hi" she said by surprise. Her eyesight was too blurry to be able to tell if anyone else was in the room with her, that thought didn't even cross her mind.
She stood up, stronger than she was five minutes ago, and gazed around at the bare walls and metal bunkbeds.
"Oh sh-" She almost swore. She had never swore in her life unless she was alone. Meredith and Zack went bizarre, they had known her for a while and had never heard her swear.
Kaitlin giggled at their reaction, but swearing was the least of her worries at that moment. She knew exactly where they were, and it wasn't a good place. Being a nerd on fictional stuff really can be helpful.
Panic rose in her chest... how on earth were they supposed to get out of this one.
The Maze runner. The scorch trials.
The death Cure.Ring any bells?
If you haven't caught on yet, they have been captured by Janson and his little crew. They were in WCKD's little place, their little prison for teens and kids.
Banging on the doors and walls was no use. They were all too thick and strong. Kaitlin told the others about the maze runner, and explained that they were basically in the scorch trials, but hardly any of them understood.
None of them had seen the movies, or read the books, besides Kaitlin. Meredith and Zack knew what it was because of Kaitlin, but still they barely knew about it.
Thinking hard and fast, Kaitlin tried to think of the scorch trials, to think of a way out.
Her brain was full of fog, so much had happened in the past two days. It was hard to focus on just one thing. Plus she still had a bunch of questions, but they were questions that her friends... and Alfie... wouldn't know the answers too.
The kids wouldn't shut up, making all that so much more difficult.
Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Who knows what gave her the ability to remember.
Aris was in the room with the rest if the maze runner gang, and he escaped the room through the vent.
If they were in the same room, or a similar room, there should be a vent under one of the beds. And to their surprise, there was.
Finally! A way out. Kaitlin broke the vent open. But didn't explain to the others what she was doing so they were all baffled.
She climbed in and disappeared. Luckily she could fit. Meredith wouldn't stop joking about how she just "evaporated". She couldn't take anything seriously.
There was nothing the kids could do for the time being besides wait. And wait. And wait. Until the door busted open.
Thinking it was a guard, they all ran to the back of the room, fear fied their bodies. Who knew what these guards could do to them?

How A Teenage Dream Can Turn Into A Nightmare
ActionA story of a girl called Kaitlin who creates the multiverse and has a journey with new powers and saving every universe in existence. Will she survive? This story includes universes such as The Maze Runner, Marvel, Boo B*tch etc. Warning- this stor...