The Class and A New Little Friend

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I grabbed my backpack and walked outside with the rest of the students. The  girl wearing the skirt followed me to a nearby bench. I sat down and she sat next to me. "Are you pre-op too?"

"Huh?" I shrugged. I had no Idea what she was talking about.

"You know. Trans pre-op?"

Now, I understood. "I'm sorry, no, I am natural this way. I have high estrogen and low testosterone. This is natural for me."

"Do you like being who you are?" she took a drag off her vape.

The steam of watermelon crossed my face. "I guess so; I do not know how to be anyone else."

"I mean with your body?" She said pointing down there.

"Oh yeah. I like it, though I hope my boobies don't get much bigger." I remarked. "Big titties seem like such a bother."

"I know what you mean, My doctors told me if I am not careful with my hormone treatment I could wind up with triple "D's"

We both laughed. I remarked, "That big you'd probably fall flat on your face every time you stood."

We laughed some more, "Yeah but I'd bounce right back up." Skirt girl came back.

They both laughed till we peed. "I need a change." I said as I got up to go back in.

"Wait me too." Skirt girl followed. she held my hand. "By the way I'm Andrea. My friends call me Andi"

"Nice to meet you Andi." I replied moving her hand to my bottom and placed a hand on hers. I was glad she didn't pull away "I'm Joseph. Everybody calls me Joey except my girlfriend and my mom when their angry.

Jamie was waiting by the door and let us in. they told her they needed a change and might be a moment late.

In the restroom we each helped the other. I changed standing up I got a little hard when Andi rubbed diaper cream around down there, but we didn't have time for anything more.

Andi pulled back her dress and took off her diaper on the changing table. Joey thought she looked beautiful. He changed her the same way he changed Emmy many times before. The only difference was he had to make some adjustments to accompany Andi's erection. It saw small and cute. It reminded me of Frankie's somewhat, but Andi's small slim frame was prettier.

After break there were 10 boys if you count me, and 12 girls. All of us seemed comfortable in panties, diapers or underwear. 

Most were cute and all are nice. All but one girl and two boys were either shaved their body hair or hadn't started growing enough to see. I sat on my mat in a fresh diaper. It felt soft. Andi and the other girl that was diapered sat on either side of me.

Jessie got undressed sat in the middle again this time she left on her pretty pink diaper an matching frilly cover. "OK, we have about one half hour left. Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. Tell us what you would like to be called. Something about yourself and what you expect to get out of these sessions. I'll start..."

"I'm Jamie. I developed urge incontinence after my second child was born, and I'd like to get to know a little more about what younger people think about wetting accidently or voluntarily."

She pointed to the guy that peed his undies earlier. Him and the girl next to him were the only ones with no undies on. I guessed they had no spares to wear after wetting. "Um, um, um." He stammered and blushed a little. I'm Arnie. I started wetting when I get stressed after my dad died 5 years ago. I'd like to learn how people deal with wetting."

Next was the girl wearing no panties. "Hi I'm Susie. I never liked using public restrooms, so I prefer just to wet my panties. I'd like to learn about different types of protective undies because pads and store bought ones don't work."

They went around the room. There was a gay guy that was bullied and teased all his life for wetting, but he was even more embarrassed to wear diapers in public. A girl that liked to wear diapers, but found them too expensive and bulky to wear with jeans. All the others seemed to have a similar condition they either were incontinent or liked wetting over using the restroom.

When it got to Andi, she said, "I'm Andi. I'm trans pre op. I am thinking of going all the way, but I have never had sex with a girl and kinda like my penis. I would like to learn what it is like to have hetero sex."

It was my turn. I could feel Andi reach for my hand and place it in her lap. Her sniffles gave way that she was tearing up. I gave her hand a comforting squeeze and said, "I'm Joey. I started wetting again my last year of highschool, then I started having hormone issues and grew boobies." I gave a little shake of my tiny titties to lighten the mood. Everybody giggled a little and I continued. "I am just interested in different points of view on sex."

The girl next to me was last. "I'm Kari. I always had a choice to wear diapers or not. I prefer diapers. I would like to learn what its like to have an extra five-hundred bucks in my bag."

Everybody laughed and Jamie stood up. "There's less than ten minutes left let's wrap up early. Next week if you want you can bring something softer to sit on than these mats, and you can bring spare clothes." People hugged and said goodbyes then we all got dressed and left.

Outside I noticed Andi sitting alone eating a sandwich. She seemed a little down, I sat next to her. "Everything alright?"

"Yes and no." She sobbed a little."

I put my arm around her and held her close. "Why don't you come back to my place and we can talk. Emmy would love to make a new girlfriend."

"You sure?" She said sounding like a toddler being offered an extra desert.

"Sure, c'mon." I stood and offered my hand.

"Thanks!" she jumped up, hugged me and kissed me on the lips." Not since the day by the lake had I kissed anyone but Emmy. It felt kinda nice. We held hands and strolled together toward the dorms.

As they were walking Andi said, "I'm a little."

I misheard thinking she said am I little so I answered, "You seem just the right size to me."

"No silly!" Andi said swatting my bottom. "I'm a little. I like to be treated like ten year-old girl."

"OOOOH, I think we can manage that." I said pulling open the front of her skirt and diapers peeking in. She was peeing. watching her wet got me a little excited. "Does Andi need a fresh diapee?"

"Not yet Daddy. I can wait tiwl we gwet home." I gave her a playful swat on the bottom and she ran ahead her soaked diaper was bouncing and swinging between her legs. "Wait! you don't know where we're going!" My diaper was soaked too, but the cover made it poofy more than sag, so I couldn't keep up. I gave up and walked. When I got to the dorms Andi was waiting. "How did you know where to go?"

"I live in a dorm down the hall from yours." Andi said. Then, she confessed "I only signed up for the study because I thought you and Emmy would make a great mommy and daddy."

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