Antoine and Raven sit at the foot of his bed; the candlelight casts a flickering glow on their faces. Raven is still silent, looking at Antoine with her unreadable eyes.
He draws a pointy nail across the palm of his opposite hand. Blood seeps to the surface. He makes a fist with the bleeding hand and squeezes it over a chalice resting on a bench near the bed. The crimson fluid trickles darkly from his trembling fist and drips wetly into the cup.
Raven now watches Antoine's actions with an expression that is a mixture of apprehension, anticipation, and maybe even thirst.
The blood flow stops. Antoine peers seductively into Raven's violet eyes. "Drink this," he suggests, offering the vessel to her.
She nervously looks between Antoine and the chalice he is offering.
"It will not make you a vampire, Raven, if that is what worries you," Antoine says looking very serious. "Only my bite can do that."
Raven looks questioningly into Antoine's face. Her lips start to move, but stop before any words form.
"It will temporarily give you some of my powers," he offers as explanation to the question he anticipated she wanted to ask.
She looks hard at Antoine. What was this new expression crossing her features? Mistrust? Temptation? She starts to send her hands toward the gift. Fragile digits hesitate only inches from the cup. Raven is now staring intently at the object. Her tongue wets her petite lips. She darts a nervous glance back at Antoine.
"Yes...That's right. Go on, Raven. It is good..." Antoine whispers through a smile.
Her eyes are once again transfixed by the blood chalice. At last, she grasps the vessel, hungrily raising it to her parched mouth. Her eyes close as the first drops of the scarlet substance are received.
"Mmmmmmm," Antoine murmurs, cupping the base of the glass and helping to tilt it to her eager lips. Raven's eyes open again and lock onto Antoine's, as a small dribble of blood escapes the corner of her mouth.
"Yesssss," Antoine says, removing the empty chalice from Raven's grasp. He sets it back on the bench without breaking eye contact with her. "What pleasures you will know tonight..."

Blood And Fire
FantasyIn a world where vampires seek to enslave humans and use them as cattle for the slaughter, one force stands in the way of their conquest. Planet Draconos used to be ruled by dragons eons before human or vampire existed. Now commanded by the sun deit...