Prologue: The Sacking Of Rita Skeeter

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-July 13th, 2014-

It was a familiar sight, but an odd one to say the least. Twenty-Four year old Albert Blythe, no longer a child and now an accomplished journalist sat across from his mentor and esteemed employer, The Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Prophet, Samantha Fyre.

He had never been more excited or proud when he had been offered an internship at the the illustrious Daily Prophet. He was not surprised though, seeing how he had known Ms. Fyre for years. He was surprised however, when she asked him to stay on permanently, and he began making his way up the ranks of the department. He'd written hundreds of articles and had recently began taking on more responsibility. 

On his first visit, nearly ten years prior, he was still just a small fourth year student who had become Editor-In-Chief of the Hogwarts Gazette. She was giving him an interview about her childhood at Hogwarts and the founding of the Hogwarts Gazette, something they had both been Editor-In-Chief of. It was one of his best articles and just being in the same room as his idol had been such a treat.

Her office had changed drastically in the years he had known her. When he had first been there, there wasn't much on the walls when it came to adornment. There were few pictures on her desk and the only thing magical was her Pygmy Puff rolling around on the shelves around them.

Now the number of magical creatures had doubled, accompanying her little Pygmy Puff, Artie was a small black dragon named Duke that flew around the ceiling. Duke landed on her shoulder to nuzzle against her cheek.

Behind her desk, the window sill held a small herb garden and hanging plants that swung as the little dragon flew past them. The book shelf beside it held several incredible titles, including books she had written over the years.

There were nearly a dozen frames on her desk. There were pictures of several children, each to have the sublime honor of calling themselves her Godchildren. There were pictures of her years at Hogwarts and of lost friends. Her family took up at least two frames. There was a solitary picture containing an adult Ms. Fyre, on her wedding day smiling and gazing into her new husband's eyes. Little tiny flowers were adorning her hair.

Albert had been there on her wedding day, a proficient honor in the highest.  He was even given the task of writing a piece about her wedding, although he was still a student. Not to mention several other journalists and authors were in attendance.

She herself was older now. Not much older, as Mis was barely ten years his senior, but there were a few age lines around her eyes now. Dressed still in her signature black color but over the years her clothing had become less stringent and more flowing.

"Now Albert, I bet you are wondering why I have called you into my office today." Ms. Fyre said taking a sip of a little canteen. Albert could always tell when she was tying one on, instead of coffee, she always had a fowl smelling drink in her little canteen.

"I assumed it is about the open position." He asked with a smile, could it be possible he would have a new position?

"Smart one you are Albert." She chuckled and leaned forward.

"I assumed, since your very public sacking of Rita on Saturday." Albert chuckled.

Rita Skeeter, one of the senior Journalists had been given the chance to give live commentary on the Quidditch World Cup. She had instead spent it giving commentary on the lives of one Harry Potter and his friends in the VIP box. Ms. Fyre and her husband were a part of the very famous group. Ms. Fyre had heard every word and had enough, so she proceeded to fire Skeeter live for the whole world to hear. The Sports Editor, Ginny Potter, had spent the whole sacking enraptured in laughter.

His employer chuckled a little to herself. "I didn't intend for it to be so public, but she was being so unprofessional and I'd had enough. The Quidditch World Cup was her last chance and for her to use that chance to spread vicious gossip during her live commentary, it was too much."

"Too much?" Albert burst out in laughter, "Skeeter insulted every person in the VIP box. She focused more on Gossip than on the game. She even took shots at you Mam." 

"Comes with my job." Ms. Fyre shrugged.

"She  speculated that you chose to keep your last name because you hold a flame for someone else and that your husband is second choice." Albert laughed. 

"You will discover how much easier it is to just keep your own name, especially when your name contains a bit of notoriety. I go by my husbands name in private because it's so much simpler." She looked up at the ceiling. "But my husband is well aware he will never be my second choice." 

Albert laughed, "She also called him a drunk." Albert interjected.

Ms. Fyre chuckled, "Alright, I will admit that was the one that set me a bit over the line. He's just a bit excitable, that's all."

"But with Rita's untimely exit," There was a small twinkle in her eye, "there is now an open position for a field reporter and I would very much like to take it."

Albert began to feel confusion flood his mind. How could she take the position? She was the Editor-in-Chief after all.

"After I train my successor of course." She laughed and smiled at him widely and slid a folder across the table to him. 

"What?" His heart went into his throat. He couldn't accept, he was so young. "I couldn't Mam, do you really mean me?"

She nodded, "Of course I do Albert."

"I'm too young mam." He blurted.

"Oh hush! You know perfectly well, that age means nothing to me." She laughed and took off her hat. 

"What about Fritz? He knows the job better." Albert was worried he would be upsetting the office. 

"He has children to worry and care for, this job is not for people who want children." Samantha qualified. "I will always want to write, but I'm quite ready to finally live that slow life I've craved."

"Are you pregnant Ms Fyre?" He asked, smiling and somewhat hoping she would be. Maybe she wasn't hungover, maybe she was pregnant. 

"Oh, Bloody hell no!" She exclaimed making a downturned face. "I am ready to settle down a bit, but I don't think I'll ever be that far. "

He nodded but laughed, "I didn't mean to speculate." 

"It's all right, just you and every member of our families." She smiled and waved him off, "I've worked hard and I'm ready to put my focus towards other things. I want to write more books, maybe dedicate more time to my mentorship with the Gazette."

Albert smiled, he knew she'd been working almost her entire life. He hadn't known the full extent until recently, about how much she'd actually gone through. He was proud to work under her and to even be considered for such an honor. He'd always wanted to write her real story, not the watered down one she'd told him years ago.

"I'm proposing a year of training under me, then I will step down." She nodded.

"Before you do, can I have one real request?" Albert asked.

"It depends Albert, what is the request?" She asked swiveling in her chair.

"I want to write a book about you Mam." He nodded. "I want to write your story, your full story. Like you have for so many people."

She looked down, "My full story is a tragic one Albert."

"It's one that should be told." He said with a nod.

"Well, I think we can manage that." She smiled before taking another drink of whatever it was she kept in her canteen. 

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