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I woke up and looked at the clock. 8 am. I heard the others was awake and i got up and changed. I checked Twitter to see my face all over. I scroled to see a picture of me.

I walked to the others and they were making breckfest. "Did you see the pictures? Sapnap asked and i nodded in return. "Ok atleast you looked hot." Good point. "Yeah I guess so." (When I wrote so I had to write it over 100 times cuz I keept writing sí😢)

I said geting a glass of water. "Go call him get him over. we say how much you liked him you looked really happy." I took up my Phone "but ehst should we do? Ypu know i'm not good at coming up with stuff"

"We can all together play truth or dare. Um and we'll play dome bored games" i noded and called him. "Hello"

I heard from the otger end and i said hello back. "Well would you like to come over? I swear the others wants you here more then I do." I whispered and heard a laugh. "You really think so? But i'll come over as soon as possible. I love you"

"Love you to" he hung up, i looked up and saw the others stare at me. "Love you." They mocked me and we shared a good laugh.

We ate a bit and started talking about work. "So we have a consert in 1 and a half weeks so we should be ready to train tomorrow or in 2 days we'll see. And we have a-"

The door bell rang. "I'll get it" punz said and ran to the door like a child. He was waiting for a package. 'Oh hello George. Dream's upstairs.' I heard and they both walked up.

George walked closer and I put him on my lap. (Ok they were siting down on the kitchen island on chairs and it wasen't any left"

"Hello" I said kissing his head. "Hi" "We're just talking about conserts and stuff we're soon done." I whispered and wilbur started to talk again. "So as I said we also have a consert in 3 weeks in spain. So we shouldn't bring much chloths since it'll be 90°f(32°c) there."

( ok ship if the rest of the chapter if you want it'll just be truth or dare)

Oh gosh that's hot. "So should we play some truth or dare?" Sapnap asked looking around. We all agreed and he got a bottel. "Extream or just normal?" We all agreed on extream and sapnap spunnet the bottel. It landed on sapnap.'truth' "I'll ask." Folish said and gave sapnap a little smirk.

"Have you ever been in a threesome?" Sapnap nodded and started to blush. "Yes- yes I have." We all looked at echother and looked shocked. Sapnap spun the bottel again.

George. It landed on George. "So truth or dare?" A little truth came from George's mouth and sapnap thought for a littel. "Um if you had to have sex with someone's parent in this room who's would it be?"

George blushed and looked confused. "I don't think I would have sex witha patent but if I had to i guess your mom" (your mom jokes this is my first your mom joke actually)

We all laugh and George spun the bottel, it landed on me. Some 'oooo~' came from the others 'dare' and George thought for a littel "who's the oldest person you've had sex with?" George asked and smile at me.

"You're age" I said and I spun the bottel. Wilbur. 'Dare' "I dare you to change your Facebook status to "føre sale: kinky nurse chloths set. Can also trade for pokémon outfit." We all laugh as wilbur did so and looked embarrassed.

Wilbur spun the bottel again and it landed on me again.. 'dare'

"I dare you to whispere something creepy into George's ear and if he cringes or pulles away you have to punishe him." Oh fuck.. i thought for a while and got closer to George's ear.

I whispered something into his ear and he cringed. "Oh well you have to punish him later but not now." I spun the bottel again.

Folish. 'Truth' I heard and i thought for a while and George just moved in my lap. I guess he was just geting comfortable. "Well have you ever paid for sex?" Folish shock his head and looked wierded out.

We took the bottel away. "George truth or dare?" 'Dare' George said with a little smile. "Lick Dream's hand tenderly. Show us how you can tease.

George turned around and took my hand. He started of licking my fingers and with a smirk he started st suck slightly. "Ok i'm done!" He turend around again.

"Ok I got something George will like. Dream truth or dare?" Punz asked qnd i looked at him confused. 'Dare' "for the next 3 minutes you have to show true passion to George. You can touch him if he's comfortable with it. Kissing, moan ect"

"Go in a closet or something" I took George to my room and we sat down on the bed. "We stsrted the clock!" Sapnap shouted and i looked George in tge eyes. "Sorry if they push up much they get these ideas from a truth or dare app."

George smiled and gave me a kiss. "Come on do your dare~" I got ontop og him and started to kiss him. I started to touch his lower adovment and I started go give him love bites on his neck.

3 minutes has pased and they walked out. They sat down like before and Folish asked sapnap and he said dare. "I dare you to turn on the vibrator on your phone, then put it on someone's stomach and call it." Sapnap took his phone and put in on punz he calked it with wilburs phobe and laughed

"That's what you get for stealing my Phone!" Punz took it of and started to tickel sapnap. "That what you get!"

"They're like children." George turned around while the others were play arguing. "Can we go to your room?" He asked and we got up from our seat. "Me and George will go take a nap. See you guys later."

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