Hey guys its been a while. Here's a bit of a longer updates. Also I've recently fixed chapter 32-33 and made some changes in them
Hinata POV
I can't believe I thought that! I felt so embarrassed and even more confused. My alpha!?!? What I was thinking, sure technically Oikawa is my alpha, but last night.... Gah!!!!!!!! I need to avoid that thought at all cost, I was still mad at him, his apology meant nothing. Nothing has changed. It had been so embarrasing this morning, stupid stupid stupid. I was so stupid...... And yet, I feel better, but also so much worse.....Sighing I waited next to Oikawa to get on the bus, and the thought of being in Tokyo in a few hours made things so much worse.
Oikawa POV
Shouyou is more of a mess than he was yesterday..... When I woke him up this morning nothing had changed, I had thought he found some peace earlier, but I guess not. To make matters worse, he kept getting more anxious and nervous as the morning progressed. I kept trying to think of things to calm him. I tried relaxing him through touch but it didn't work. I made him pancakes, since they are his favorite breakfast food, but he didn't even touch them. And then I even offered to race him to school, on the ridiculous notion that him and Kageyama used to do that, but he just wanted to walk and did so at a slower pace than normal. I was going to go nuts, what was wrong and why couldn't I help him?
Aoba Johsai POV
The team watched from a distance as Oikawa ran circles around himself trying to fix whatever was wrong with Hinata. The ginger had been moping for the last few days, and it has steadily been getting worse. They have all also tried cheering him up, but nothing worked. And as they waited for the bus, they could all smell how distraught and anxious he was.
"Iwaizumi what do I do?" Oikawa asked, basically whining at this point, as they huddled together away from the ginger
"What's wrong with him?" Iwaizumi asked
"I don't know, Shouyou wont tell me......" Oikawa pouted a bit
"He won't tell you?" Watari asked confused
"Nope. And it's killing me, no matter what I do I can't fix it, he was up most of the night working himself into a ball of nerves....."
"Is it about training camp?" Matsukawa asked but Oikawa shook his head no
"I asked, and though it made whatever was wrong with him worse, he told me it wasn't that. That he hadn't actually been thinking about the training camp at all actually."
"He hadn't thought about it?" Iwaizumi asked shocked, remembering how Hinata had acted after finding out about it
"Have you done touch, or scented him, or....." Yahaba asked trying to come up with ideas
"I have tried touch........scenting him, no I haven't....I didn't want to make this any worse" Oikawa said
"Is he still upset over the whole gym thing?" Kunimi asked, making many of them wince at his bluntness, Oikawa frowned
"I don't know......he said we were okay but....it could be that...." Oikawa looked defeated
Iwaizumi on the other hand thought of something else, something that also happened recently that the team didn't know about. Something that Oikawa would probably never guess to be the problem, as surely him apologizing for mating with Hinata couldn't be it. Iwaizumi thought about bringing this to Oikawa's attention, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure. The only way to get the sure answer was Hinata, and he wasn't talking......
"Oikawa." Iwaizumi said, nodding his head towards the side of the gym, Oikawa followed confused as to why Iwaizumi wanted to talk alone
"What's up?" Oikawa asked, slightly worried his friend would hit and yell at him for causing unneed pain and stress on Hinata
"I want you to try scenting Hinata." Iwaizumi said and Oikawa gapped at him, not believing his friends words
"What!? Why?" Oikawa asked
"Just do it." Iwaizumi said, going to walk off before pausing "But this time, do it in private." Then he left his shocked friend behind.
Oikawa POV
He wanted me to smell Shouyou? Why? Shouyou wouldn't want that..... He's not gonna want to smell like me, especially after the whole gym thing..... What should I do? Iwaizumi is always right though, and he's an omega.... He wouldn't ever suggest anything bad for Shouyou either..... Sighing I went to find Shouyou, he was standing in a daze by the bus, not even noticing as I came up. Sighing again I had him follow me to the locker room, praying on the way that this would work and not anger or upset him more.. Once inside I decided to lock the door for good measure before turning to focus on my mate..... He looked so out of it, staring into space still....this wasn't my Shouyou. I hesitated slightly before pulling him closer, wrapping one arm around his waist and putting the other on his cheek. He looked up at me shocked. All I could do was stare at him, my Shouyou.....looking up at me with his big bright eyes, eyes that had lost their joy but that was slowly coming back. His mouth, with his plump pink lips, parted just slightly. We were so close.......and yet....
"Oikawa what's up?" Shouyou asked, trying to sound nonchalant but failing, he was even more nervous now
"Shouyou, let me scent you." I said and his eyes widen with shock, he tried to back up but I pulled him closer so he was pressed to me
"W-what brought this on?" He asked, a slight blush forming on his checks
"I want to scent you, I think it will help calm you....."
There was shock written all over his face, then he frowned slightly, but it was gone in a instante. Then he looked away, his face heating up more.... I could feel a surge of emotions from him....Sadness, Anger, Happiness, Hurt, Anxiety......and his scent changed, he was nervous.....
"Shouyou please."
What was this, I wanted to scent him so bad....And I don't know why. The second Iwaizumi said it, I loved the idea and wanted to, but I thought Shouyou would hate it. But now it was like I almost didn't care if he hated it or not, it was like the need to scent him was too much. I had to take a deep breath, tring to calm down..... It was Shouyou's choice......
"Okay....." Shouyou whispered, a jolt of happiness ran through me.
Sighing happily I rested my forehead on his for a second, pulling him closer. Then I kissed his nose, getting a shocked intake of breath in response, I smiled. Then I kissed his check, and then made a trail down his neck. Shouyou's breathless gasps encouraged me. Pulling down the collar of his shirt, revealing his chest...so white and flawless..... First I gave it a light kiss, and then licked it. Hoping he understood what I was going to do, giving him a chance to pull away.....he didn't. So I bit down, sucking and licking the spot, until I was sure a dark hickey was there.....happy that as I did so Shouyou clung to me as he choked back a moan. I gave the mark a light kiss, before kissing my way towards his scent gland. By the time I got there he was trembling already, Shouyou was so innocent..... I nuzzled into his scent gland, enjoying how his wonderful scent seemed to wrap around me. While scenting him, I let my hand travel, down his waist and into the edge of his shirt.