Part 27: A Very Long Night

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Y/N had no idea how she got through the exams with passing marks while she was worrying about her nightmare. Not that any of the exams were as hard as the homework, but y/n was so exhausted from worry. Most her friends thought she was just stressing out about the exams, but Draco knew what was really bothering her. 

For the exams, Professor Flitwick had her enchant a pineapple to tap dance across a desk which she did to her father before even getting to school. Professor McGonagall had her turn a mouse into a snuffbox, extra points for beauty, which all the girls in their dorm had done as soon as they learned how. Professor Snape told her to make a Forgetfulness Potion from memory, which she had already done previously in case there was ever a reason to use one. 

The written exams weren't bad either. All the Slytherins were given an Anti-Cheating spell quill and got to work. Their very last quiz was for Astronomy. Everyone had to name twenty five to fifty stars by memory. The more named stars on your paper by the end of the hour, the more points you receive. 

Y/N finished in half an hour and took a nap for the other half. Before this exam, she had memorized fifty stars in alphabetical order and then made sure she knew how to spell them correctly. 

When the last hour was up, y/n was awoken by the cheers, hoots, and hollers of her fellow classmates. Everyone was relieved that it was over. The entire student body went outside after the last exam. All but y/n. She left the group and told them not to wait for her. She had to speak to Professor Snape. She had to tell him about what Draco saw in the forest. Maybe he could help her. Maybe he knew what Quirrell's plans were. 

Y/N headed to the staff room first, sure that even the teachers wanted to get out of their classrooms now. When she turned the corner towards the staff room, she saw Hermione bolting around the opposite one. A moment later, Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick both entered the corridor looking confused. 

"Professor Snape," y/n called down the corridor, stopping him from going back in the room. Flitwick had already disappeared again.

"Ms y/l/n. Shouldn't you be outside enjoying the sun with your fellow Slytherins?"

"I wanted to talk to you...about my nightmare," y/n said quietly. Snape nodded and began walking down the corridor. "Well, as you know, Draco Malfoy got detention a week or two ago. When he came back, he told me that he saw something. At the time, I hadn't told him or any of my other friends about my nightmare. He told me that him and Harry Potter were told to find the thing that was killing unicorns. Professor Quirrell from my dream. They found him drinking unicorn blood in the forest."

Professor Snape took a long moment to think this through. "Are you sure it was Professor Quirrell?"

"Well, no. All Draco saw was a hooded figure," y/n said, thinking Snape was going to tell her again that it was just a dream. 

"Do you know what unicorn blood does, y/n?" She shook her head. "Unicorn blood can save you from death. But once you drink it, you become cursed. The life you saved when you drank it becomes but a half life. There is a great price for killing something as pure as a unicorn. If Draco really did see Professor Quirrell, why do you think he would be drinking unicorn blood?"

Y/N stopped walking, making Professor Snape pause as well, and thought. What would Quirrell need unicorn blood for? He seemed perfectly alive and healthy, albeit a little scared. So why... 

"The second face. In my dream, Quirrell's second face asked me to help it live again. Quirrell must be drinking unicorn blood to keep that thing alive. But why?" Snape seemed impressed, almost as if he hadn't been able to figure it out before himself. 

"If what you are saying is true, I would advise you to avoid Professor Quirrell. If he does anything suspicious, come to me immediately."

Y/N was so relieved. It seemed Snape did believe her. She took his advice and stayed away from Quirrell for the rest of the day. Dinner rolled around and everyone was in a cheery mood, but something made y/n nervous. Professor Quirrell wasn't in his usual seat at the staff table. Furthermore, Draco was nowhere to be found. Even after dinner, no one had seen him. Y/N returned to the common room to see if he was there, but instead found a letter to her sitting on Draco's usual armchair. 

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