Author's pov: Tupur opened her eyes slowly and found herself in hospital. Her abdomen is paining severely and saline is injected to her..
She screamed with pain, Gagan who laid on the near by chair by keeping his head on her bed, got alerted and came to her. She is amazed to see him. He consoled her and told her that she is safe now, no one will abduct her , he is going to be with her and went to call doctor.
Doctor came and examined Tupur and told Gagan that she need to be given complete bed rest and asked him to take care of her. He nodded
Later Tupur tried to speak to him about Hiramandi, he revealed everything that now there is no more a place called Hiramandi, it is smashed . She need not worry about it anymore. Tupur felt happy and relieved. Gagan told that he will be with her, after she got discharged he will take her to his home directly.
She asked about his family members. He told that he had already spoken with them when she left to Hooghly, convinced them that he is going to marry her (Tupur) only and finally they agreed for their marriage.
Tupur is extremely happy. All her tensions are relieved now.. Gagan told that they will get married immediately after Chandrachur is arrested. This time he will not escape easily. She agreed.
Anirudh's POV: As soon as she came into my arms it felt like my life returned to me. I recollected the day I returned from Hooghly, I saw people gathered around our house, two corpses in our frontyard and my family members are crying, making me scare to the worst of the worst.
Everyone are telling me that My Bondita is dead, My Bondita is no more, be brave Zamindar babu, be strong Anirudh babu, you have more life, don't get depressed, control yourself.
On that day onwards till this moment only Durga maa knows how much I felt suffocated, how much I became desparate (becahyni Horaha hai mujhe). It became difficult for me to breathe also. It's enough of pains and struggles. I can't take it anymore. I need my Bondita, I badly need her. Not even for a single moment I want to part from her. When she said I love you this time, I couldn't react normally like how I used to react earlier.
I couldn't have control on my emotions anymore, I don't know what I am doing suddenly I want to express her that how much she mean to me, how much weak and desparate I am than her. Cuddling her and expressing my love is not sufficient for me at that moment. That's it ! At that moment I forgot my limits, her past fears and all, I expressed my love to her by kissing her lips.
Its a blissful, divine feeling to kiss her. I am feeling completed now. So beautiful and serene she is. I told her in mind: I can't stay away from you, Bondita.
Bondita's pov when Anirudh captured her lips: Oh! What a feeling is this!? It's beautiful, passionate. Every part of my body is feeling warmth when Patibabu captured my lips, so sweet. I never knew till that moment that this kind of kiss also exists. It is giving me an immense pleasure. First few seconds I got scared that Patibabu is doing wrong to me , got worried that what happened to him , but when his tears started rolling down on my cheeks while kissing, then the next moment I understood that he was scared in the last few days to the worst , how much he might have cried for me, then my fear got disappeared. it's my turn to console him , soothe his pain.I carressed his back and allowed him to kiss me for another few minutes.
I don't know how and when it turned into sweet pleasure as if its satisfying something like thurst or hunger feeling inside my heart and raising heat in my body and making me feel blood warm, also making me forget my menstrual cramps and the place and situation where I am at present.
I couldn't breathe after few minutes, immediately he realised my condition and left my lips. Suddenly he grasped that what he has done, felt embarrassed to face me and turned aside. When I am heaving he said with guilty: Sorry Bondita, sorry.. please forgive me .
I looked at him confused and asked: why are you saying sorry, is it not right thing to do. Should we not supposed to kiss like this.
(Anirudh's POV: oh no! What have I done out of my emotional turmoil! Bondita doesn't know about couple kissing each other on lips and here I kissed her without her consent and without explaining her about this. I messed up)
He looked with more guilty feeling and unable to face me. I raised his chin and asked: why did you tell me sorry, Patibabu. Is it not supposed to be happen, You don't like it but you have done it because you are in pain.
He looked surprised and said immediately: No it's not like that Bondita.
I looked at him narrowing my eye brows and asked: Then!?
Patibabu: I didn't take your permission and all of a sudden, I ..(and bent his head)
But I got irritated with him . All my happiness and excitement got vanished for his unnecessary apology and turned aside puffing my cheeks.
He became more apologetic, came near me and held his ears and started apologizing me again and again, assuring me that he won't do this again.
From morning itself I am suffering with cramps and on top of that I am enduring lustful looks of that monster Chandrachur. To give message to Patibabu I just went once outside with him and he started taking advantage of it by flirting with me.. I can shout and protest but sampoorna didi will be in risk. This is the reason I kept quiet.
To my solace Patibabu rakshak babu found me and came in search of me and gave me an exciting gift of lip kiss. And now he is apologizing for it, what should I say?
I lost control on my anger and came to him and screamed by keeping a hand on my lower abdomen: why don't you like kissing me? Don't you like touching me!? Till sometime before I am so overwhelmed for this unexpected gift from you and now all my happiness, excitement is getting evaporated. I ..
He looked hurt but understood my feelings and mood swings, came near to me and started pressing softly near my waist as if giving me a gentle massage . I was about to say something but he stopped me and said: shh, ..I am not apologizing because I don't like kissing you, to be frank I badly want to do. But..I took lenience without asking your permission and kissed you all of a sudden out of my emotional turmoil.. didn't take your permission from you na Bondita. That's why I felt guilty.. it's not that what you are thinking. I want to express my love, but beforehand I should have explained and prepared you for all these which I didn't do so far. Now do you get it.
Me: Sorry Patibabu, I shouted on you unnecessarily.. you always care for my feelings and comfort in every step. (And slowly winced due to my cramps)
Patibabu: shh, I think you are having severe cramps, come here.
He looked around and got irritated with Thakuma giving empty room to me without any facility except an attached bathroom and expressed his disgust: I told your Thakuma to give another room but here she had not even provided a mattress for you .
He made me sit beside him and I slept in his lap and he started carressing my hair and telling that if kaka had done this to me he would have screamed on top of his lungs. But your Thakuma is highly orthodox than Trilochan kaka.
He is worried about me, so I decided to distract him and praised his attire as Roopa and reminded him what I told on that day turned out to be true this day.
He smiled at me. Then I asked about what all happened these days, did he receive my message or not.
He narrated everything, how he didn't believe and argued with everyone that I am alive, stood stubbornly infront of Durga maa to answer her and how Munshi kaka slipped the truth out of his tongue and later how he received her message. I was shattered to learn that where Chandrachur left Tupur and now her present condition.