Ch.1: Meet the Ninja of Norrisville

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"Mom it looks fine!" I said getting annoyed with her.
"But it's your first day of school." She said fixing my hair for the 10th time."You need to look nice for the boys."
"Mom!" I yelled swatting her obsessive hands away.
"Oh fine then." She said giving me a hug."Have fun at school."
"I will." I said hugging her back.
I opened the door waving goodbye to her one last time before I shut the door. We had just moved here to Norrisville after my mom found this house that she believed was her "dream home". Which stinks because I had to leave all of my friends.
I neared up on the high school. I adjusted my backpack on my shoulders, took a deep breathe, and walked in. I walked down the crowded hallways trying to find the principles office. I caught sight of it through the crowd and pushed my way towards it.

I opened the door and walked inside. A goofy looking man sat at the desk and greeted me with a cheesy smile.
"Why hello!" He said cheerfully." What's your name?"
"Ally, Ally Peters." I answered." I'm new here and wanted to get my schedule."
"Yes of course." He said pulling out some files." Here it is."
He handed me some papers which I took. I looked over them and saw that my first class was science.
"Thanks." I said heading out the door.
"Your welcome!" He said back in a high pitched voice.
I entered back into the hall as the bell rang. I looked around for the science room and found it just in time. I walked in, people stopped what they were doing to look at me. The teacher looked over at me and smiled.
"Hello." She said." Who might you be?"
"Um.. I'm new here." I said quietly, aware of all the people staring.
"Well nice to meet you." She said, than she took her skeleton and used it as a 'puppet' saying." You can go sit over there next to Bucky. His partner isn't here today."
She outstretched the skeleton arm to point to an empty lab spot next to a blonde haired kid in a band uniform. I took my place next to him. But as soon as I did he started to talk.
"Hi! My name's Bucky!" He pulled out his triangle and tapped it."Triangle greeting, Zing!"
I couldn't help but laugh. This was one strange kid. But, I'm not saying that's a bad thing.
"Okay class." Said the teacher." As you know we have a new student. So it would be nice if someone could show her around after class. How about you Mr. Weinerman?"
I looked over at the guy she was talking to. It was an orange haired kid with an octopus on his shirt. He let out a groan.
"Do I have to?" He whined.
"It's the nice thing to do!" She said a little pissed.
"Uh- Randy can do it!" Pointing at the guy next to him.
"Hey! Howard you can't jus-." He was about to say but was cut off.
"Alright then, thank you Randy." Said the teacher turning back to her lesson.
"But- oh fine, but you owe me." He said to the guy who I guess was Howard.
"Fine." He said." I won't eat all of your tator tots at lunch today."
And at that moment the bell rang.
"That was fast." I thought.
I picked up my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I walked over to the guy who was named Randy. He had messy dark purple hair, a red shirt a white swirl on it, and a green hoodie.
"So I guess I'm showing you around." He said." Though there isn't much to show."
"It would be fine if you just showed me where the cafeteria is." I said.
"Okay then." He said." This way."
I followed him through the halls, making it to the cafeteria pretty fast.
"Hey." He said." Since your new, you wanna have lunch with me and Howard?"
"Sure." I said, a smiling creeping up my face." Well thanks for showing me around. See ya later."
I gave him a slight wave goodbye and headed to my next class.
Soon it was lunch. I got in line for food. It looked disgusting, but I took a tray anyway. I looked around for Randy and soon saw him at a table near the bathrooms. I sat down next to him. Howard looked at me skeptically.
"What's the new girl doing here?" He asked.
"I said she could sit with us." Randy replied.
Howard mumbled something under his breathe, smiling slightly.
"Hey I never got your name." Said Randy.
"Oh yeah." I said realizing that as well." It's Ally."
"Then welcome to Norrisville High Ally." He exclaimed smiling a big goofy smile.
But before I could even smile back there was a giant boom as a giant robot burst through the wall. I almost fell out of my chair out of full shock. We were being attacked by a robot?! We never had to have drills for this at my old school.
"Randy what's going o-" I looked over at Randy but he wasn't there.
I looked over at Howard, but he just shrugged like it was no big deal and went to go eat Randy's lunch under the safety of the table.
The whole school was running around panicking, no one even trying to use the emergency exit. Then a billow of red smoke appeared followed by the words: smokebomb! I looked up to see a guy in a black suit with red marking on it. He also wore a red scarf around his neck. This school had a ninja?! Now I've seen everything.
"Fear not students!" He yelled over the crowd." The ninja is here to save y-" but before he could finish he was punched in the guy and sent flying into the wall.
I winced, that must've hurt. The ninja appeared out of the rubble shaken up.
"The gut... He hit me in the gut....." He managed to say.
The robot approached him and started shooting lasers at him. He dodged them with ease, pulling out his sword as he went. He jumped into the air with his sword above his head.
"Ninja Downward Sword Slice!" He yelled as he cut the robot in half.
Cheers erupted from the students and the robot fell to the ground.
"Thank you thank you." Said the ninja giving a bow." And Smokebomb!"
And with that he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Randy returning moments later. But by the end of the day. I was still mesmerized by what had happened at lunch. Which got me to thinking, how many times has this happened before at this school?

Ally Peters 9th grade Ninja (Randy Cunningham Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now