Face off

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Authors note  here is the follow up to the first chapter that I was writing this chapter is technically based on Season one episode five but it it's also based on season one episode 13 and episode 15 where Charlie comes back into town so I hope you like it

Erin's pov: it's been almost 2 months since Jay came over to my place and I finally told him about my son ryder The interaction they had turned out to be great and then I decided since it went so well with Jay that the others should meet him finally so that next week everyone met him and they loved him, but he loves his uncle Kevin the most, then last month we celebrated his fifth birthday I can't believe he is five everyone showed up for him and he loved it ever since Jay met Ryder he comes over almost every day which is super sweet right now is The end of shift

E= so I'm done with my paperwork off to go see my little boy
KA= Well tell my favorite godson that his uncle Kevin said hello
E= oh I will
AR= also Kevin why are you thinking Ryder is your godson Erin hasn't said if any of us is his godfather
KA= well I just figured he was my godson since he likes me the most
AD= no he doesn't
J= I think so Antonio besides after Kevin he likes me the second most
AR= oh come on that's not fair you just see him a lot
E= all right boys enough arguing over my kid he likes you all equally but he loves me the most since I'm his mama
AO= that's fair
E= all right night
J= i'm done with my paperwork so i'll walk you out
E= all right
AO= night guys
E= so thanks for walking me out
J= it's no problem
E= so when are you coming over again Ryder wants to hang out with you again
J= well I'm not busy tonight so can I come over tonight
E= yes of course you can come let's go see the boy
J= all right
CP= hey Erin
E= oh no
J= Who is it Erin
CP= hello my name is Charlie Puglese
J= wait this is
E= yes it is
CP= Who might he be Erin he your boyfriend
E= um he isn't my boyfriend Charlie I work with him
J= hello Detective Jay Halstead nice to meet you
CP= Wow a detective Erin I didn't no you became a cop how long ago did you
E= Have been a cup for about 2 to 3 years now
CP= well that's cool so whatever happened to Hank Voight
E= well he is our boss
CP= Oh really he is
J= yes he is our boss
CP= do we have a problem buddy I don't even know you
J= well first of all I'm not your buddy so either call me Jay or detective
CP= my bad detective
J= Second of all my problem with you is everything I heard about you from Erin
CP= everything she says isn't true at all
J= i'm sure it is I believe Erik more than any deadbeat dad who abandoned their kids before they even knew them.
CP= what in the world are you talking about Jay I don't even have a son that I know about
J= that's a bunch of bullshit Erin told you she was played it and you didn't care too shit so she had to waste your son all by yourselves for five years
CP= wait Erin what is this Boy Scout even talking about
E= first of all Charlie I did tell you about six years ago when you told me you didn't care
CP= I don't remember that at all
J= you got to be kidding
E= well maybe The reason you don't remember is because you were so beyond high back then you don't even remember your hand from your ass
J= wow that doesn't surprise me at all
E= well anyways the other reason you don't know much about your son is because An had me cut you off when I fell pregnant and I'm glad he did because my son and I are very safe and protected from anybody that you would've been running form
CP= oh whatever I would have protected my son from anybody that wanted to come after me
J= it doesn't matter let's go I'm ready to see my buddy Erin
E= all right let's go
CP= hold up you better not have my son around any stranger like him
J= First of all I'm no Stranger second thought you have no idea say who can and can't see your son only Erin can say so because you haven't been around since he was born
E= Also – J didn't know that her son until about two months ago same as everyone else so if you could please move so I can see my son that would be
CP= ( moves) when can I meet my son
E= I don't know Charlie leave a number with the front desk and I might call you or not
CP= oh come on Erin
J= I would do what she says

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We finally leave work after running in the Charlie we hop into our separate cars and head off to my place I live first and send my nanny home for the night I hang out with Ryder While we wait on jay to come 10 minutes later and not come to the door

E= I wonder who that could be buddy do you want to go see Who is here
R= yes I do mommy ( runs and open the door)
J= hey buddy
R= oh mommy Jay is here
E= I can see that can you let him in
R= all right ( he come in )
J= Sorry I was late I decided since we both didn't eat yet today that I should get us some pizza for dinner
E= that sounds perfect I'll go grab us some plates so we can eat it
J= all right so Ryder where is my hug from my favorite little guy
R= it's right here ( jumps into his arms and hugs him
E= you guys are seriously so cute
J= why thank you
E= so are you guys ready to eat
E= yes we are mommy

We all sit down to eat our food while Ryder Tells me and Jay about Thursday at preschool about two hours later Jayhawks put Ryder to sleep with me

E= wow you got the magic to get him to go to sleep right away
J= oh yeah
E= I think you are the Ryder whisperer
J= I guess I am so how are you feeling now that it's been a couple hours since we saw Charlie
E= not too bad I was a little shocked to see him after six years or not seen him at all
J= I bet just by looking at him he seems like trouble also now I can tell for sure Ryder only looks like you and not him at all
E= oh really you think so
J= oh yeah I don't see any of Charlie in Ryder at all
E= well thanks Jay
J= you're welcome so now that he's back in town will you let him get to know Ryder
E= he may seem different than he was back then but I don't think I could trust him enough to come around Ryder at all
J= oh yeah I understand I'll support you no matter what you do what ( without even thinking Erin kiss jay ) wow what is that for
E= That kisses to say thank you for everything you did for me and Ryder over the last few weeks and also thanks for being so kind to my son
J= What are you guys amazing son Erin he is pretty great
E= why thank you
J= you're welcome ( kiss )
E= wait what was that for
J= I just wanted to kiss you

Without even thinking we start kissing again and start making out then once I start messing with his shirt we both realize what we're doing and pull away.

E= oh wow
J= oh yeah I think we better stop before we go to far
E= oh yeah also Ryder could wake up anytime and I don't want him to think something is going on between us and confuse him
J= oh yeah agree also Hanks still has that wall that we shouldn't break quite yet
E= yeah maybe
J= well better get home since we might have an early day tomorrow
E= yeah good idea but thank you for the night Jay
J= You are so welcome tell Ryder i'll see him very soon for the rematch on checkers
E= oh I will bye Jay see you tomorrow

Once Jay leaves I hated myself for even kissing Jay because now I think I ruined what we had but at the same time it actually felt nice to finally kiss him I think I wanted to do that for a couple months now but if we do get together it will break hang Swoll but honestly I don't care I head off to bed myself a couple days later me and Ryder decide to go visit Hank and eat dinner with him

E= you made yet another amazing meal Hank
HV= why thank you I try my best
E= well you did a good job
HV= why thanks so Erin how is it going with Jay
E= oh come on hang nothing is going on with me and him we are following your rules
HV= I can tell but can I be honest with you Erin
E= of course you can hank
HV= well that rule about no in-house woman's actually only applies to you and Jay to keep you guys away from each other
E= I knew it of course it was
HV= but over the last couple weeks I've been rethinking the rule for you guys
E= oh yeah you have why the sudden change of heart
HV= well I'm been watching him the past couple week hang around Ryder and I have notice how much Ryder loves jay
E= he really does it's really cute
HV= well that's good also I notice how much more you smile with having jay around
E= I really do hank he is super good with Ryder and then the other day he step up to Charlie when we bumped into him outside of work
HV = wait Charlie is in town again i thought I send him away
E= yeah he came back into and stop by the district he learned that I was cop and you were the boss
HV= oh boy how did he take it
E= he was super surprised
HV= did he say anything  about Ryder
E= well when Jay mentioned him being a deadbeat dad he was completely clueless  like he didn't know nothing about his own son
HV= you've got to be kidding
E= oh yeah in that moment it showed me I'm so glad years ago you made me shut him out completely of mine and Ryder's life it turned out way better so thank you Hanks
HV= you are so welcome Erin I just want you guys to have a safe and happy life together
E= well we have a great life
HV= That's good so I have been thinking
E= oh you have what about
HV= so ever since you introduced Ryder to Jay and the others, I have been thinking about my number one rule I gave you and Jay 
E= oh really you have
HV= yeah I think seeing you and Ryder smile a lot more with Jay with jay around so maybe I should forgo the rule about No in house romance aka let you guys date if you want
E= wait really hank
HV= yes really jay is actually really good for you guys I have to admit it
E= oh wow I'm surprised
HV= well if jay or anyone else Ask I'd I said that I'll deny it
E= okay Hank

Me and Ryder stay at hanks for about another hour then we head home so I can put him to bed but before I could even start reading his bedtime story a knock comes at the door.

R= wait who is that
E= I don't know did you invite anyone over
R= no I didn't mommy
E= all right stay here I'll go see who's here
E= all right mommy
E= ( opens the door) Jay what are you doing
J= well its Ryder bedtime right
E= yes it is
J= well I was going to come over earlier but I drove by your place and saw that you weren't home so I went until now to come back over just check to see if you were home this time
E= oh well first of all come in
J= all right ( he does)
E= The reason I wasn't home earlier was because we were at Hanks house to have dinner
J= oh well that's nice so where is my favorite little guy at
R= Jay.....Jay there you are ( runs to him)
J= hey there you are
E= Ryder can I tell you to stay in your bed while I checked on who was at the door
R= well I was going to stay but I heard Jay's voice so I came out here to see him
J= I think he likes me more than Kevin
E= oh yeah but maybe not tell Kevin it might hurt his feelings if he knew
J= oh for sure he would
R= so Jay what are you doing here
J= well I wanted to come see you and maybe we do a bedtime story if you want me to or not
R= yes I would mommy can Jay read me a bedtime story tonight
E= well he is here so I don't see why not
J= all right let's get you to bed little man
R= all right ( in his room)
J= so what bedtime story would you like me to read you tonight
R= can you tell me a story about you and mommy tonight
E= Ryder I don't think he has any stories of me and him
J= oh no I got plenty don't worry little dude
R= all right

Jay starts telling Ryder One of the funny stories about our partnership we've had, within 15 minutes of the storytelling beginning Ryder fell asleep so we both tiptoed out of the bloom without waking him

E= well you really put him to sleep so fast compared to when I did It usually takes me about half an hour if not more
J= well I guess I have a magical powers to get him to go to sleep faster
E= or maybe he gets bored of your story so he falls asleep a lot faster
J= No way my stores aren't boring you better take that back
E= or what are you going to do about it
J= i'll tickle you ( starts to tickle her)
E= ( starts to laugh) you better stop or we might wake Ryder
J= ( he stops but now they are so close to each other's face) all right you make a great point
E= of course I do
J= well now that he is asleep I probably should head home
E= Um probably but before you go I have to tell you something
J= oh you do
E= yes
J= all right so what do you need to tell me Erin
E= well wow I was at Hank's house he mentioned how much happy I seem now that you come around more
J= I have noticed you smile more too
E= why thanks
J= you're welcome
E= well since me and Ryder seem a lot more happier with you around he told me a couple of things
J= oh he did
E= Well the first thing he told me was the stupid no in-house romance think only really apply to us
J= no way of course it does I should have known it was
E= yeah me too well the other thing he told me was he is totally fine with us being together as a couple
J= wait hank voight actually said it was fine for us to date I'm speechless
E= I am too  jay
J= so what does that mean for us do you want to be a couple
E= well I never thought I would want to be in a relationship especially with having a kid since you ever gets involved with me has to take on a father figure role
J= completely understandable
E= Well when we started working together I had to drive toward you but then he told us he doesn't want us to
J= but he has changed his mind all of a sudden
E= Play but then we kissed other night
J= it was magical
E= yes it was so I'm thinking maybe we could be a couple only if you want to
J= of course I would Love to be a couple Erin ever since I met you I started to have feelings for you my feelings became stronger once I found out you were a mother in seeing you be with your son
E= oh really
J= yes Really Erin I Care so much about you it drives me
E= I care so much about you Jay but you have to know if we get together that means me and Ryder are a package deal so you had to be OK with both of us
J= of course I am that kid is the best thing I can't wait to get to know him more
E= are you sure Jay because ( before she talks more Jay kisses her ) oh wow
J= is that enough of an answer
E= oh yes it was so I guess we will take things slow from this point on
J= oh yeah
E= do you wanna at least hang out more maybe just spend the night here nothing more than sleeping in the same bed together
J= that sounds perfect let's do it

Jay and me talk for a little bit longer and then head off to bed ourselves I can't wait to see how this goes with us being a couple I think Ryder will love it

Authors note I hope you like this I will add more to it once I come up with more ideas but this was a good start so.

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