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"are you two a thing"

"who?me and pierre, no way we've known each other for 1 day" what do they all have tonight? "why are you asking"

"oh, because you two look really close"

"yeah he's a good guy, also i believe that i've seen him with a girl sooner this evening"

"what? someone isn't annoyed by him"

"it looks like it, but please don't tell him, i don't want to be decapitated"

he laughed a bit "don't worry i won't tell your secret, plus i'm not sure that pierre is capable of this"

"he is definitely capable of this" i laughed 

the small conversation soon stopped and we looked in each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, i couldn't detach my eyes from his, i felt drawn to him. neither of us dared to move. and i swear that at this moment it felt like we were the only ones in the room. his brown eyes were the only thing i could see. we both took a step forward. well until someone interrupted our moment.

"ariiiii why are you only talking to carlos we want to dance" lando screamed.we both detached from each other. lando was clearly drunk, doesn't this man need to drive a fucking fast car tomorrow? are they even allowed to get drunk?

fuck. this is awkward. "hum... i'm sorry i better get going back to the boys"

"yeah, do you want me to give you a hand with them"


we've approached daniel and lando who were dancing, and man it was even worst than last time. they were trying to breakdance or some shit, they looked like two stranded whales. "we should call a uber to get them back to their hotel no?" i  whispered to carlos.

"i think that it's the best idea"

"what are you two talking about ?" daniel said while on the floor.

"we've heard that a car is coming to take you to Disneyland" carlos lied. i chuckled a bit. what are they? kids?

"will mickey be driving" lando asked.

"yeah, just for you two"

"that's so cool" daniel said.

oh my god. i can't believe it worked. aren't they supposed to be grown-up adults ? carlos looked at me with a satisfied smile. and soon enough the taxi came, luckily for us, they were in the same hotel as us so we also took the uber. while in it i texted pierre.

me 12.45 PM:

hi pierre, if ever you're not too occupied with some girl and if you're worrying about lando and daniel, carlos and i called a uber in order to get back at the hotel. 

i put my phone back in my purse and looked at daniel and lando who were sleeping in the uber. " i left them for 1 hour and this is how they are now? do they need a babysitter?"

"don't worry i feel your pain lando used to be my teammate, i'm used to it" he chuckled a bit

we didn't say much more as the silence was very much needed. the ride to the hotel wasn't that long, and i sometimes glanced at carlos during it, he had such a beautiful profile. we somewhat managed to get lando and daniel out of the car, and with a bit of help from the hotel staff they soon found their bed.so it was once again just carlos and i.

"even if the end was catastrophic i've loved tonight' i said

"same here" carlos responded.

as I didn't knew what to do and as there was still a bit of alcohol in my system I decided to kiss his cheek. "goodnight carlos"

"goodnight arianna" he responded as he walked away

I went to my room and changed myself into my pajamas, i checked my phone but pierre still hadn't responded to my text so i decided to lay in bed. i was reminding myself of today's events, i didn't expect my first day in formula 1 to be like that, but it wasn't that bad i mean at least I've made friends. 

it was 9.00 AM and i was soon awakened by my alarm which i didn't recall putting . the practice was at 1PM today so i decided to enjoy my morning a bit. i took a shower and put on my clothes. i checked my phone and saw that pierre had responded

pierre 9.12 AM:

man , sorry i didn't answer last night.

me 9.16 AM:

yeah don't worry i guess you had other things to do ;)

i then decided to go downstairs to eat breakfast , fortunately i didn't see any of the drivers.i ate as quickly as i could in order to finish getting ready, i still needed to put makeup on and to do my hair, once i was finished i put everything i needed and headed to the track.

there still weren't many people in the paddock and i decided to text my brother.

me 10.34 PM:

t au circuit ou pas (are u at the track)

esteban 10.35 PM:

non j'arrive vers 11 heures (no i will be there around 11AM)

awesome. i decided to walk towards pierre's garage, to see if he was there. i was greeted by his team and decided to ask one of his team members if he was there, he informed me that he was in the driver's room. i thanked him and went knock on his door.

"come in" i heard him say.

"hi pierre" i said while closing the door behind me.

"hi arianna, what are you doing here?"

"well i wanted to chat about yesterday, so who was this girl you were talking to?" 

pierre smirked a bit "can't tell you"

i pretended to be hurt "i thought we were friends pierre"

"well tried ari, but this won't work on me, I'll tell you once it is official"

"alright, alright"

"what about you and carlos?"

"what? pierre I've already told you it's only been a day" i smiled a bit while remembering that i kissed his cheek yesterday.

"oh and why are you smiling then?"

"i might have kissed his cheek yesterday"

"oh my god" pierre said

"it's just because i was drunk" i tried to defend myself.

"if you say so but i don't believe you ari"

"fuck you" i said to him

"see, if it was because of the alcool you wouldn't be so defensive" pierre grinned.

"i hate you" i said while leaving

"hey you could at least thank me for the party"

"in your dreams gasly"

i went back to the paddock and headed to alpine's garage. once i arrived there i just went directly into the driver's room. i texted my brother to inform him of that. and while he was not there i decided to stalk the drivers on Instagram, i mean I'm a girl. while i was stalking carlos' ig my brother arrived in the room, which surprised me. and what a coincidence while being scared i clicked on the follow button. 

just great.

Smooth Operator - Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now