36. deal

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She slowly awoke, blinking her eyes through the sudden light around her. She looked around her to take notice of her surroundings.

There was no sound, she couldn't hear anything. Everything sounded blurry around her, she couldn't even hear herself breathe. She was in what seemed like a normal room, if not a bit too small. She slowly sat up on the bed, hissing as the high pitched sound ringed in her ears and brain.

She opened her eyes again through the pain that echoed through her entire body. She felt sore and she had never felt that exhausted before.

She cracked her neck and looked around her. There was no personal items, except some books on the nightstand. She chuckled, The Hobbit.

She got up and sighed as she felt an aching pain in her legs. She walked to the door and slowly opened it. She suddenly realized she was dressed in an over sized shirt that didn't belong to her.

She walked in what looked like the living room and she looked around the room. There was a couch and a blanket on it. There was a lot of books, everywhere. Most of them were history books and there was a couple of cups on the little table in front of the couch.

She looked up and her jaw fell right open. The kitchen and the living room were separated by the kitchen counter. And behind it stood the Winter Soldier, his back facing her. He looked like he was baking something.

She only now remembered what had happened yesterday. Actually, she had no idea of the time that had passed since the bomb went off. She remembered him, their conversation.

He suddenly turned around and his mouth moved like he was speaking but she didn't hear a thing. She only frowned her eyebrows as she looked at him.

He stopped what he was doing and walked to her. She took a step back and he immediately stopped walking. He spoke again but once again, she didn't hear it. She shook her head.

He seemed to understand what was going on and he nodded.

"It's okay, you're safe" he signed in sign language.

She sighed and he didn't know if it was of relief or from annoyance.

"You're still hurt ?" he silently asked as he slowly approached her.

She shook her head and she let him walk to her. He cupped her face with his hands, his thumbs in her cheeks, and she stopped breathing. He looked at her as he brushed her hair away, taking a look at her ear.

He pulled his hands away but he stayed exactly where he was, inches away from her. She didn't leave his face off her sight, scared he would say something she'd miss because she couldn't hear.

"You remember anything that happened the other day ?" he signed.

"How long was I sleeping ?" she signed, scared to speak, scared to not be able to hear her own voice.

"Three days. I brought you back to my apartment. You were bleeding out, figured I had to try and heal you"

"What did I have ?"

"Three broken ribs, a few wounds everywhere. And I'm pretty sure you had a concussion. Is your head hurting ? Can you remember your name ?"

"Well, me, I can." she signed and she closed her eyes, immediately regretting what she had just signed.

She felt his hands on her cheeks, making her look up. She opened her eyes and relaxed when she realized he was smiling.

"Are you feeling okay ?" he signed, a frown of worry on his face.

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