Chapter fifteen

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Third person POV

Paris knocked on the front door, James' hoodie sleeve securely held over her knuckles as she did to protect her from the rain drops trickling down the black wood. She could hear laughter, conversation and brief singing from inside, and smiled to herself knowing how much happiness this brought her new friends. She reached into the pocket of the black hoodie and grabbed her phone, beginning to text James and let him know that she was here, but before she hit send, the door swung open.
"Did you bring Starbucks today?!" Tommy smiled, staring Paris' empty hands up and down as she opened the door.
"Is that all you guys want me round for?" She laughed, playfully folding her arms.
"No I want you round to keep James and Pedro out of my way so I can beat Zach and Ryan on PlayStation," He laughed, however she had already learnt him well enough to know he wasn't joking and in fact was probably waiting for his win on their games. He stood aside, letting the blonde girl inside as she shook her head.

"Here she is," Pedro smiled, jumping off the sofa and heading into the doorway to embrace his new friend in a tight hug. "We've missed you," he muttered into her neck.
"I saw you guys literally about five days ago," She laughed, letting go from the hug and giving him a confused look. He simply shrugged, before leaving her side and flopping back on the sofa next to Ryan.
"Here, come and sit down," James smiled with a slight blush, throwing his legs onto the floor so there was space next to him on the sofa. She immediately smiled, heading towards him and flopped onto the grey sofa. His eyes followed her down, locking on hers once she was at the same level as him.
"What?" She quietly giggled, noticing his look.
"Nothing, I'm just glad you're here," He nodded meaningfully, placing his hand on her thigh. Paris couldn't help but feel her heart erupt in butterflies, and without dwelling, placed her hand on top of his.

"Have you, come on your own today Paris?" Ryan stuttered from the opposite sofa, looking in her direction with hopeful eyes. Paris couldn't help but smile, knowing he was asking after Starr, and knowing she liked him a lot.
"Yeah, I didn't want to invite Starr without your guys consent. It's your house, after all," Paris shrugged, all the boys looking at her shocked.
"You're joking, right?!" James laughed. Paris looked to him confused, before looking round to the rest of the boys, all of whom were giggling away to themselves.
"You're so silly, Par. You know you can come round whenever, as can Starr. You guys, you're like our family now," Pedro smiled, looking slightly embarrassed as he did, until all the other boys agreed in unison.
"Well, that's so sweet, thank you. I'm not sure she'll be in the mood today though," Parish sighed, her eyes falling to the floor. As though instinctively, Ryan's protective side came into play, his chest twinging.
"Why? What's wrong with her?" He rapidly asked, before anyone else could get a word in.
"She's just not been sleeping well recently, her ex won't stop messaging her and last night he was threatening her all these horrible things if she didn't get back with him," Paris shook her head, internally boiling at the thought of the narcissist that was once her best friends boyfriend. And it wasn't just Paris that trembled at the thought, the words cutting like a hot knife into Ryan's body at the idea of anything happening to her. He couldn't help but clench his jaw, rifled with the empathetic pain she was feeling at that moment.
"Poor thing, she doesn't deserve that," Tommy sighed, shaking his head.
"He sounds like a fucking twat, if he ever goes near her we'll sort him out," Zach grunted, gritting his teeth with some form of underlying aggression.
The other boys all nodded, all apart from Ryan, who's gaze remained tightly on the carpet, his hands held tightly together as he rested them on his knees. He shook his head, before jumping up from his spot on the sofa.
"Where are you going, Ry?" James asked, his eyes watching his friend head towards the hallway.
"To Starr's, I'll see you guys later," Was all he said, before he grabbed his car keys and headed outside into the stormy outer world.

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