Chapter 25

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The next day was somber. The snow had set in full blast. It was a week before Christmas, but it didn't feel like it. There was no Max sneaking lavish gifts around for everyone, the tree nor the wreath had been spoken of no discussion of a Christmas menu or what the children wanted for the holiday. It was somber, the snow rushed over the house and twirled, but as it landed and formed tufts, the sun never came out to make it sparkle, it stayed gloomy. Even when there was parting of the sky, it didn't seem like it.

Maria had stayed awake for nearly 24 hours, she hadn't left Jane's side once, Liesl offered to sit so Maria could eat, Marta and Gretl had slid get well cards under the door. Frau Schmidt would come in and help Maria administer medicine and bring up food just in case. She felt horrible. Maria didn't say much, just sat and stared at her daughter, who's breathing was difficult, but steady. She already knew what she was giving Maria for Christmas, she would go over after her work in the evening and clean the woman's house one room at a time, and wash Jane's sheets and clothes, just in case. If she did a little at a time it would be ready by the big day.

Georg came up after dinner. The children had excused themselves for various activities. Liesl and Louisa had wandered off somewhere, poor Lou had been so scared and still seemed shaky. Brigitta, Friedrich and Kurt tried to start a game of cards, and the little girls had tea for two for the first time in months. Georg wandered the halls; he knew Frau Schmidt had already taken Maria her food and checked in with him before leaving for the day. He turned the corner to the shut door that was practically sealed with an invisible lock and there sitting in front of it was Michael.

Georg knelt in front of him, his knees pulled to his chest, the evidence of tears still drying on his face. "Hey buddy." Georg said gently. Michael had been a good sport all day all things considered, but he was so little, he needed his mother too, now more than ever.

Georg offered him a small smile but before he could say anything Michael crawled from his post against the wall and practically onto Georg. Georg wrapped his arms around him. The poor kid just wanted to be held. He acted so similar to how his mother had at that age. He released Michael but spoke quietly, "let's see if I can get her, don't go anywhere." He stood up and crept the door open. Only a lamp illuminated the room and Maria was very obviously asleep in a rocking chair, her head propped in her hand.

He walked over quietly so as not to wake Jane, but it was too late, without opening her eyes he heard a raspy little voice say, "She needs to eat too." He smiled and whispered okay back to her. Leave it to Jane to be concerned about her mother while she was deathly ill.

He looked at the desk and sure enough there was a stack of dishes with untouched food, now cold from the day. He walked over to the rocking chair and barely touched Maria's shoulder before she jolted awake.

"Oh, my word, is everything okay?" Maria was barely awake, but her arms flung out.

Georg couldn't help but chuckle. "Everything is fine, your daughter tells me you need to eat."

"I'm not going to leave." Maria crossed her arms and yawned.

"I think you should." He moved to stand in front of her. "Go eat, take a rest, I'll look after her."

"Georg, this is my daughter-"

"She's your daughter, and how can you take care of your daughter when you don't take care of yourself. I've seen how that ends up Maria-" They were bickering but kept the volume low at least.

"I'm not going, I shouldn't have let this happen." She shook her head

"You didn't let this happen, we can't control when the ones we love fall sick, all we can do is help them, and part of that is making sure we are equipped to do so."

Maria sighed, "How do you know?"

Georg took a deep breath and carefully sat on the edge of the bed; Jane stirred a bit, but he rubbed her back until she was fully asleep again. "Maria, I told you that Agathe got sick, but-"

It hit Maria; this is what took Agathe too. It made her stomach feel the need to regurgitate on itself.

"That's not to scare you Maria," he assured as he waved his hands "hers was out of control and part of it was because she didn't take care of herself. And I tried-" He got choked but was able to pull himself together after a moment.

"Louisa got sick." Georg spoke matter of factly. Maria now understood why Louisa was so panicked, these symptoms brought up painful memories for her. "Louisa got sick and was just like Jane. I sent the two little ones who were toddlers to Hede, and I kept the other children locked away. Agathe would not let Louisa out of her sight, she wouldn't eat, she hated to even go to the bathroom and leave her, she wouldn't bathe even. She just loved her so much, just like you love Jane. It took me a week to convince her to get out and share one meal with the children. Louisa was recovering a bit by then and was able to sit up and so I carried her down, but later that night, Agathe fainted, just like Jane must have, and-" He had to pause once again.

Maria looked on, listening intently. "What I'm trying to say is, firstly you don't have to carry this all on your own, I consider Jane as one of my own brood at this point. Second, I have done this before, and I know how to act quicker than I did in the past, I can be of medical help. Thirdly, I quite frankly don't want you getting sick because if I lost you then-"

Maria sat up a bit.

He continued "And I am so thankful Agathe had that last evening with the children, they got to remember their mother for who she was. But don't let it be too late Maria."

Maria wiped a tear that was threatening to fall from her eye. "Alright."

"It's all settled, I will stay here" He stood and walked towards the door as he spoke "You will go and eat a hot meal, you don't have to see my children if you don't wish, but after dinner you will rest for a few hours, and I will take care of the rest. But there is one condition about the children." Georg held up a finger being very sarcastically stoic in the moment, making Maria smile the tiniest bit.

"You do have a dinner partner this evening, even though they have already eaten they will keep you company." He opened the door and there was Michael who had obviously been eavesdropping.

"Ta-da" Georg motioned to the little boy and Maria smiled.

"Come here." Maria held her arms out and Georg watched her tired eyes glow as her son ran for his mother and she perched him in her lap, and they hugged tightly. She kissed his head as she stood and picked him up.

"Now don't stay out too late." Georg sent them out the door.

Maria turned and gave him a real smile. "Thank you, I know she was in the best hands possible, so I trust that now, she will be in the best hands possible."

"I'll take care of everything." He winked but took a shaky breath as he shut the door behind them. 

Hey Y'all. I think this chapter is super sweet. Let me know what you're thinking.

Thanks for reading!

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