Our New Home

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Astalia's pov:

So me and Yuno have just finished packing everything we need to take with us to our new home. I feel like a newlywed saying that but I know it's never going to happen, everyone in our previous school shipped him with Mimosa and they do look really cute together. My heart hurts, I probably shouldn't think too much about it because it's not that serious. Plus she's going to go study abroad anyways.

"Asta, earth to Asta" Yuno says breaking my trance I glare at him for a good few seconds before walking out of the bedroom. I am still angry at him for sneaking his way into my bed but I should at least not act like it, but the whole Mimosa situation is just too much. Not that anything has ever happened between them.

"Carry my bags and suitcase downstairs for me, thanks!" I shouted from the corridor.

"Wait a sec-" Yuno tried to say before I cut him off saying

"Do you need a 'please' before you can do a favour for me if so . . "

"Can you PLEASE hurry up because the taxis nearly here" I continued from behind the door with my arms crossed.

I hear a sigh and then see him get up and start carrying his bags. But he doesn't even bother with my ones so after all that struggling I only got so far.

Well I guess that's Yuno for you always acting so cold and unaffected by anything that happens around him. Plus who does he think he is by not carrying my bags they're not even that heavy, wait that's a reason for me to carry them since it won't take up much of my strength to do so. I sigh at myself as I walk to my bags and bend down to grab them. I suddenly realised that my suitcase was nowhere to be found in the room. Yuno probably took it downstairs with him so maybe he's not so heartless.

I grab my bags and head down as soon as I get there the taxi pulled up right on time as well. We told the kids goodbye. And by telling them goodbye it was more like trying to stop them from crying any longer than needed or else I might shed a tear or two or three or maybe more.

As we put our bags in the trunk of the car I could feel myself slowly regret agreeing to move. I know it's for the greater good but it still somehow felt weird to me I mean I've known these people for nearly all my life. And what felt even weirder to me is the fact that I am moving into an apartment with Yuno. And now that we would be all alone I can't help but wonder what he would do. Wait no no no I can't think like that either we are just friends who are close enough to be siblings at most.

I could hear him call for me to come sit down because we were just about to leave. So I put  myself back together and went to sit right next to him. The driver started the engine and soon we were on the road for a new adventure. Wait a second I sound like those main characters in animes where they are discovering new lands or saving the world slowly.

My eyes started to flutter shut and I fell into a not so deep slumber. 

"Astalia wake up we are here", whispered Yuno in a hushed voice as he slowly shook my shoulders in an attempt to wake me up, which did work. "I'm ........ awake", I replied back whilst rubbing my eyes and trying to adjust to the brightness of the day. 

"Come on let's go we've got unpacking to do", said Yuno.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say I guess"I barely whispered back.

"Yuno, I'm not too sure but I think I left my keys behind"

"Now that's why I took them with me", responded Yuno as if he knew I was bound to mess up.

"Well thanks I guess"

"Now come on, we haven't got all day"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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