Crossover: Demon Slayer #5

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Kitsune Inari is the daughter of Kaguya Inari, Master of the North Mansion. Yet unlike her cousin Ume Inari, Kitsune found herself unable to stay still and hide. She refused to work as a Corps staff, and instead learned Wind Breathing from Sojobou Tengu, the Wind Hashira. After surviving the Final Selection, she was surprised to find herself among other Master family members who, just like her, wanted to become swordsmen. Hiroshi Karasu was her age, Aoki Ushi was younger and Sakae was youngest. Normally, these four went on missions separately, especially Hiroshi and Kitsune who were natural and ranked up quickly.

Kitsune first learnt about Lucky and Meteor being unofficial swordmen when she visited Wiira after a mission. More specifically, one of her lower-rankings, Sakae, was injured during a fight and was brought to the village under Beruzu and Sun's care. Kitsune wanted to visit him but was stopped by Amuretto, saying that the atmosphere needed to be kept serene. The Inari then wanted to find the demon for revenge, but was stopped again with the Maneki girl saying that her siblings could handle it, accidentally spilling the beans.

In a panic, Kitsune ran outside to the direction Sakae was brought from, and spotted two teenagers in village yukatas wielding strange blades against a demon. The older used a chained knife while the younger used a short katana. She was about to tell them about how risky it was when the older chanted "WISTERIA BREATHING, TENTH BLOOM: DARKWOOD SLITHERING" and wiped off the demon's Blood Demon Art in a symmetric movement. The younger's FOURTH BLOOM: AROMA INVASION neared the demon's end, but he was lunged backwards with a cut on his arm that make him lose grip on his blade. The older was still relentless.

Kitsune saw both had cuts on their bodies, but none of them were serious, as if they dodged last minute. She noticed the demon had started going sluggish as the younger yelled: "Finish it off, neechan!"

Eh?? The older is a female??

Unlike girls of that period, she kept her hair short, albeit a little choppy since she cut it herself. Her chest was flat, and her strong form made misgendering quite familiar to her.

"Are you sure you know nothing about it?" the girl asked between breaths. The demon pleaded, knowing its end was inevitable.

"Only he knows... Only he knows!!!"

"Well then, arigatou kozaimasu."

The girl proceeded to encircle the demon, the way a predator aimed for its prey.


She killed off the demon.

Kitsune later learnt that they were Lucky and Meteor Maneki, the protectors of the village who were as good as real slayers. There was blood on their clothes and they were injured, yet they still smiled and chatted on the way back. Their blades were real Nichirin Blades, and that intrigued her.

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