I Love You. (Text, 3)

189 6 10

4:05 PM

[❤️ My Ash]

Hi baby, you doin' okay in Sinnoh? How's the tournament going? Are you enjoying yourself? I hope you are.

I'm doing just fine. But of course, you know I don't like it when you leave me for a couple of weeks. And Ace and Gabi don't like it either.

So we all miss you very much.

Gabi has been practicing for honors choir. She's doing well in school as well. She's been studying non-stop for her exams. Although... I guess I can't say the same for your son.

He's just been his usual self. But, I can say that he's seemed a lot happier lately, because he's been winning his basketball games and has even been crowned MVP from a vote done by his teammates.

I'm very proud of our children.

But we all miss you, darling. And I hope you're safe and come back home to us.

I know you love your battling, and this is what you love, so I won't harp on you too much.

I'll always support you in whatever you want.

But I'm just letting you know...

That I'm back home, waiting for you to come to me.

Do you remember the day we got married? Because I sure do.

You told me, in your vows, that you'd always be there for me.

"I'll go anywhere if I'm with you!"

And I said the same.

Alright, I guess I better go now. Don't get into any trouble, okay?

I love you.

Love, Your One and Only,
Goh Ketchum

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