The Big Shocking News

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Mark, of course, regrets his choice for not accepting Vee's offer to check him in in the morning. He's so sleepy and he's cranky when he's sleepy, or hungry, really. The dark circles under his eyes make his face look worse. When he sees Vee walking toward his own office looking fresh and handsome, he gets more irritated. It's not fair that Vee still looks so good even though Mark knows he sleeps much later, while Mark himself looks like a starving zombie.

"What's wrong with your face?" Kamphan asks while making his usual hellish latte at the pantry.

"Ugh," Mark groans and decides not to answer Kamphan's question as he takes a long sip of his black coffee.

Kamphan shakes his head and drinks his own latte.

Their quiet time is interrupted when two people enter the pantry. Vee, he can understand since they're on the same floor, but Yoo?

"Isn't there a pantry on the sixth floor also, P'Yoo?" Mark asks after giving his wai, "It's closer to your division."

Vee fakes a sneeze that sounds suspiciously like 'a simp' and Yoo punches his arm. The SP manager only laughs a little and makes his way toward the coffeemaker. Mark looks at their interaction weirdly. They're such a pair of weird best friends.

"There's one, but it doesn't really have what I want," Yoo finally answers with an easy grin. He leans next to Kamphan and snatches the mug from the poor accountant's hand.

"Aww, P'Yoo," Kamphan complains with a whine.

Yoo smirks and is about to chug it down, but Mark is fast to warn him, "P'Yoo, don't!"

The IT manager stops from drinking from Kamphan's cup, "What?"

"Uh, Kamphan has a particular custom of his coffee. He usually makes it so hot, what I mean is really, really hot like hell. So if you don't want to burn your tongue, I suggest you mix it with cold water first or you can make another for you."

Mark does this because he learned from his mistake in the past. He still can feel the phantom burn on his tongue even now. He remembers how he couldn't taste any flavor for a month.

Yoo chuckles and chugs the drink like it's water, making Mark gape in surprise.

"Good thing that we have the same taste then, right Kamphan?" Yoo grins at the accountant, handing the mug, "Ahh, now that I've had my daily dose of my favorites, I can start the day! See you later, guys!"

With that, Yoo skips toward the elevator.

"He's... kinda weird," Mark blinks.

"He's an alien is what he is," Vee says while stirring his coffee.

"And you aren't?" Mark asks, earning a stink eye from the said man. He ignores it and turns to Kamphan, "I can't believe he also has a literal iron tongue like you, Kam."

Kamphan huffs as he turns his mug upside down, "He didn't even leave a single drop for me."

The lean specialist laughs, "I think you and P'Yoo can get along well."

"'Can get along well', really, Mark?" Vee looks at Mark mockingly, "How dense can you be?"

"What's your fucking problem, jerkface?!" Mark barks.

Vee snorts as he pats Mark's shoulder with his free hand, "Be careful with your life, Nong Mark, you'd be dead ten times at this rate because you thought a snake was a dry twig."

Mark blinks in confusion, trying to understand the riddle his senior just threw his way, even until Vee is out of his sight.

"The fuck was he saying?" Mark mutters.

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