OH BOY. (an update? announcement?)

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so.... where do i begin....

HELLO!! i haven't logged onto wattpad for 2– turning 3– years as i gradually lost motivation for writing within those times HOWEVER i still do write! i also forgot my wattpad password during that, and my mental health spiralled deeply where i had to get a psychologist for that. that explains the inactivity!

i've read the love and comments for this story and while i am no longer a fan of Danganronpa as a whole, Celesgiri still has a special place in my heart. even all your kind words, and the original plotline of this story.. so i may consider rewriting/revising this story again. i apologize for not being able to reply to all of them.

(ps. not empty words this time!! i seriously need to enhance my writing before i work on a bigger project.)

when i finished writing the prologue for this story 2-3 years, i wrote two versions for the first chapter and was not satisfied with either when rereading so that'll take a lot of work again to write. but, if there's still someone out there waiting and rereading this story, i hope the wait is worth it!

'til next time,

block pursuit: after hours. | celesgiri | REVISINGWhere stories live. Discover now