[beomgyu] • planes

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Confessing to someone you like is a 50/50 ordeal. There's a chance that they'd like you back, but there's also a chance that they won't.

When the person you like is a close friend, the act of confessing becomes even riskier. You wouldn't want to lose a friend just because you couldn't get your feelings in control, right?

So here you were, growing madly in love with Choi Beomgyu as the days went by, but you couldn't ever tell him in fear that you'll lose the great friendship you have with him.

He always seemed to understand you, and overall he was quite the romantic. Even though he had a busy schedule because he was an idol, he would always keep his promise of walking you home at least once a week. Then at that small moment, you would just laugh together and share the little nuisances of your day. Sometimes you'd even grab some ice cream together, or a little cake that you would share while looking beyond Han River.

He was the person whom you could cry on, and similarly, you were the only person he could cry on besides his members. With how nice he was, you sometimes couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, he liked you the same way you liked him.

Even if that may be the case, you still didn't want to risk losing him. You felt that perhaps it was better that you were just with him as a friend, rather than confess to him and be nothing at all with him.

However, this mindset you had didn't last a long time as Beomgyu's tour segment came to an end. He was traveling from Japan back to Korea along with his members, and he had called you telling you the flight he was on and the specific time when he'd be back.

Everything was normal until it wasn't. You went to the airport early, waiting for his arrival, but he didn't arrive. You kept checking your watch and taking into context the time that he was supposed to be back, so with every minute that you hadn't seen him you grew all the more worried.

"Did I mishear him?" You kept asking yourself in panic. But that panic just rose, even more, when there was an announcement made at the airport, saying that a flight was experiencing heavy turbulence. You looked at the screens with a lot of thoughts running in your mind.

That was his flight.

With that, you became rigid. Panic ran swiftly through the course of your mind. You thought about how you might not be able to tell him how you felt about him. You remembered his family and imagined how devastated they would be if something were to happen to him. You were deep in fear, your eyes stood testament to that. You couldn't think clearly as one worry came to mind after the other. You were just frozen in front of the screen, not knowing what you would do if you never saw him again.

"I should have told him. I had my chances and I should have told him." You repeated to yourself, as tears began to flow. You were still frozen in that small space, you didn't know what went on around you. You were so scared and confused. More so, you were filled with regret and anger towards yourself.

As you kept looking at the screen in despair, your vision went dark.

A hand was covering both of your eyes, which made you confused.

Only one person did that to you.

You quickly turned around, and in front of you, was Choi Beomgyu himself.

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You took a deep breath as though you were just relieved of pain while your eyes were red and sore. There were still tears resting on your cheeks.

"B-Beomgyu..." You uttered softly in a breaking voice.

You then pulled him in an embrace and stuck your head on his chest. Your sobs were muffled as you tightly held Beomgyu in your arms. You were so scared when you thought you had lost him.

Yet here he was, confused about why you were crying as though a person had just come back from the dead.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but you weren't able to respond. He then looked around, searching for what might have made you become this way until he saw the screen.

He then realized that he gave you the wrong information. His flight was much different from the one you saw on the screen.

He smiled gently, realizing that you were worried about him as you thought that you'd lost him.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He spoke with a lighter tone. The smile was still on his face as you were still buried in your sobs.

"I think I might have told you the wrong flight number..." He uttered, already knowing what will come after. He looked at you, who was still crying on his chest, as you raised your head and looked at him.

The happiness in your face of knowing that he was alright, disappeared slowly. You furrowed your eyebrows with eyes still red from the crying.

"What?" You asked him in sheer irritation.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it at the time." He tried to explain himself, leaning away from you.

Upon instinct, you lightly punched his shoulder, which would have been much harder if you didn't just receive a scare that tore your heart into pieces. He just laughed as he tried to avoid another punch from you.

"Beomgyu. I thought I lost you." You spoke as you broke into tears again.

You wanted to punch him again, but you couldn't. You were so glad that he was fine and nothing else mattered.

He then embraced you so you were now back in his arms. He gently ran his hands through your back, as he tried to comfort you.

You both just stayed that way until you eventually stopped crying.

He got you some coffee in compensation for making you feel so worried.

As you were sitting in the waiting area with him, the both of you were drinking coffee. He had his usual Iced Americano, while you were having your Macchiato. You were just silent at that moment until you spoke out of the blue.

"Beomgyu. I like you." You said without looking him in the eyes.

But then you turned towards him, and with more drive and passion, you said once more, "Beomgyu, I like you so much that it would kill me if you never knew."

You looked away from him again. You continued sipping on your coffee, as there was just silence between the two of you.

At the corner of your eyes, you saw him looking at you with a bit of shock. You were embarrassed and you started to wish that he felt the same way.

He then smiled, "I like you too. I've liked you for a while now, actually. I just didn't think you felt the same way." He replied.

You gently bit your lip as your cheeks flushed in color. You looked at Beomgyu with so much happiness that he reciprocated your feelings. In return, he looked at you with so much love. It was weird because he always looked at you that way, but for some reason, at this moment, though it was the same look, something about it felt more intimate and loving. You could feel your heart beating loudly, this time, however, it wasn't with fear, but with happiness and love.

This was never your plan, to begin with. You were never going to tell him how you felt, but as life is one big pool of uncertainties, you never knew that a plane scare would be the one to push you to finally tell him.

"I was scared for nothing." You laughed as you realized that you'd been holding back when the both of you felt the same way about each other.

He then laughed with you, realizing the same realizations as you.

You thought that he had a beautiful smile, more so, a beautiful laugh. It was one that can light up a dark room, but also one that can wake a person up like an alarm clock. He has a beautiful personality and a good heart, so you found it difficult to not fall for a person like him.

"So does this mean that we're dating?" He asked with a smile extending to his cheeks.

"Yeah... I guess so." You shyly replied as you smiled at him. You couldn't believe it. He smiled back at you as he garnered a new idea in mind.

He took off one of the earphones he was wearing and gave it to you. You were going to put it in your ears, but then he stopped you.

You were a bit confused, but you just waited patiently for what he planned to do.

He removed the earphone plug from the phone and borrowed the earphone side that he gave you a few seconds ago.

He then took your hand and knotted the earphone gently around your wrist. He did the same with the earphone side that was with him. So when he finished, you were quite literally tied to each other.

"Now we're matching and stuck together." He said as he looked at his work. He was so proud of it, and you just admired the way that he was looking at his creation.

It was kind of cute. The earphones were like bracelet charms, but the best part was that you were connected to each other.

"This is my small announcement to the world that you're finally my partner." He said to you with a smile. Of course, you smiled in return. How could you not? He was just perfect and you couldn't ask for anything more.

Perhaps getting a scare once in a while is a good thing. If not, then maybe this moment would never have happened. You would never have told him how you felt, and he never would have told you how he felt either.

Thank goodness for planes.

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