vi. richard in starshollow

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"here we are now, entertain usi feel stupid and contagious"

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"here we are now, entertain us
i feel stupid and contagious"


season two, episode twelve

lorelai and richard walk in to the diner. emilia and luke are behind the counter.

"well, this is it, luke's." lorelai awkwardly tells her father.

"you know, when i was in college, there was this horrible little diner across from my apartment building. it was run by this terrible little couple, they were very angry. they would fight, break plates, curse, and i went in there every morning for three years and i had the most dreadful breakfast, just awful. i really miss that place."

"morning." luke greets the pair.

"hey. um, luke, you remember my father?" lorelai says to luke.

"oh yeah, nice to see you again." luke greets richard.

"nice to see you. this is quite a place you've got here." richard greets back.

"it pays the bills." luke awkwardly replies.

"always a plus in business."

"dad, do you know what you want?"

"oh, i already ate." richard tells his daughter.

"you did? when?" lorelai asks surprised.

"oh, i had breakfast at home. i get up at 5:30 every morning." richard reveals.

"wow. why?" lorelai asks him.

"well i've gotten up at 5:30 for as long as i can remember." richard tells her.

"yeah, but that was when you had to work. now you can afford to get a little crazy, get up at quarter to six." lorelai jokingly suggests.

"go ahead and order lorelai." richard tells his daughter with a sigh.

"okay. i'll have a banana, pancakes, side of bacon, and lots and lots of coffee." she tells the grumpy diner owner.

"coming right up." luke tells the woman and walks away.

"you didn't order any grapefruit." richard practically accuses.

"yeah, i don't really like grapefruit." lorelai tells him.

"oh, i always start my breakfast off with half a grapefruit." richard reveals.

pages stained with coffee and ink • j. mariano Where stories live. Discover now