Chapter 5
School ends and I head home, happy when I remember that I get to spend some alone time with Tris.
I drive home to drop off some of my stuff and get my art supplies. I can't believe that I'm going over the Four's house, alone! I check the time and since its five till four, I decided to walk over to his house. I knock on the door and hear some shuffling, which appears to be Four when he opens the door. I smile and drift off, thinking about those eyes.
"Uh, Tris? Are you going to come in?" Four asks, snapping me out of my dream.
"Oh yeah, uh sorry" I respond, failing to hold back some giggling and blushing.
"Its fine." A small chuckle comes from Four as he steps aside and gestures for me to come in. I smile again and walk in. "Want to work in my room?" Four questions, seeming nervous, I wonder why?
"Ya sure, I brought some art supplies." I answer, following him up the steps. I hadn't noticed until now, but Four's house is pretty big too. After what seems like an eternity, we reach his room, which takes up the whole third floor. "Uh, nice room!" I say, blown away by how neat his room is.
"Thanks, perks of having a dad as a mayor I guess." he responds with hurt in his eyes. I wonder why, but I respect it and decide to leave it alone.
"So how bout that art project?" I ask changing the subject and sitting down on the floor, my back against his bed. He makes his way over and sits down right next to me.
"Right. Ok so for personality traits lets do brave, selfless, kind, intelligent, and honest?" Four says.
I think to myself for a little and then reply. "Ya, that sounds great. And then for the symbols maybe we can do fire for bravery, hands helping each other for selflessness, a tree growing from the ground for kindness, an eye for intelligence, and a scale for honesty?"
He nods his head in agreement so we get started drawing. He writes the words in different colors and styles and I draw the symbols. We just chat and draw and time passes and soon enough, we finish the project.
"It looks amazing!" I exclaim, smiling proudly.
"I know, we did a good job." Four admits. "I was lucky to have you as a partner."
I blush, not sure what to say. Four smirks.
We get lost in each other's eyes but then out of no where, we hear the front door opening, signaling someone's home. Four's eyes grow wide with fear, but why?
"Are you claustrophobic?" Four questions, seemingly in a hurry.
"Uh, no I guess?" I state more of as a question from being so confused.
"Ok, I'm going to need you to hide in my closet and don't come out until I get you." He orders, now completely serious.
And with that, I hop into the closet and hide myself behind some of his clothes, with no questions asked. I'm not quite sure whats going on but I guess I'll find out soon.
"TOBIAS! Get down here, you know the drill." A low voice calls out, and with that I hear Four get up and leave the room, still unaware of what's happening.
I hesitantly walk down stairs, worried about how Tris will react once she discovers the truth about me. I really hope she doesn't look at me like a kicked puppy, that's the whole reason I don't tell any of my friends. When I get to the end of the stairs, I see Marcus, definitely drunk out of his mind. He looks really mad too, I know tonight will be a pretty bad beating. He yells at me to take my shirt off and get on the ground, facing to wall and I obey, not wanting to make him any more angry. He starts off with his usual insults, telling me I'm worthless and so on. Then comes the beatings. I scream out, failing trying to hold it back. This just annoys him further, whipping me harder and harder until black spot start to cloud my vision. And then I remember Tris, oh what will she think? I must stay awake for Tris. After what seems like hours, he's finally done. I'm starting to loose consciousness but gain it back when he drags me into my room and starts to open the closet. I hope Tris was smart enough to hide herself from plain view, I guess we will see. He opens the door and dumps me into the closet, thankfully not ever spotting Tris. He slams the door and I don't hear in movements. After a while I start to think she left, but then the tiny voice of angel starts talking to me. At first I think I'm just imagining it but then I hear her again. I make a small noise to let her know I'm ok. All the sudden I'm on my bed, fighting to stay awake. I pull out all my energy to tell her that the first aid kit is under the bed. Now knowing that I'm safe, I give into the darkness.
I don't hear much for a while, thinking maybe they left and then forgot about me. Should I get out? No, I'll wait a little longer, I think to myself. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thought when I hear a large whip being cracked and screaming that makes it sound like someone is being murdered. At this point I understand that Four most likely gets abused by his father, but my brain just isn't processing from all the shock. At what seems like hours, I finally hear someone coming upstairs. I peek out of the corner of the closet and see a barley conscious Four being dragged into his room, bloody and bruised.
"Now stay in here until morning!" The same low voice demands, opening the closet.
I shrink back into my hiding spot and for the first time, get a good look at the man. He is surely drunk. And with that, the man dumps Four in the closet and slams the door behind him. After I'm sure that he left, I check on Four, making sure he's okay.
"Four, Four!" I whisper, concerned. "It okay, he's gone, I promise."
All I get in response is a faint grunt. I pull ourselves out of the closet and get him onto the bed. I hear the front door close and open again, signaling that the man left.
"Under, bed." Four says, almost inaudible.
I look under the bed, not quite sure what I'm even looking for. I find a first-aid kit and grab it. When I pop back up, Four has gone unconscious. Not panicking, I clean his wounds and bandage everything up. I sit on the end of his bed next to him, unsure of what to do next. I decide to wait with him until he wakes up in case the man comes back or something happens. As I'm waiting, I remember that its probably really late, and my parents are probably worried sick about where I am. I get out my phone and send a quick text, trying to be as vague as possible:
Tris: Hey mom, my friend had an emergency so I'm just going to stay and help if that's alright?
Mom: Sure hun, what time will you be home?
Tris: Not sure, I'll let you know when I find out. Might be a while, don't wait up for me.
Mom: Ok sweetie, be careful. Love you!
Tris: Love you too mom! Thanks!
I get out my sketchpad and start drawing while I'm waiting. I draw out a large cherry blossom tree and shade it in. After about an hour, I finish and decide to change Four's bandages. I find a cup and some painkillers by his sink, probably because this isn't the first time this has happened. Then, I soak a towel in cold water and gently lay in across his back. And just like that, he starts to stir, waking up.
"What happened, whats going on?" Four asks, more in a hoarse whisper.
"Its ok, I bandaged you up and put a cold towel on your back to help numb the pain." I respond, almost doctorly. I help Four move into a sitting position and give him the painkillers. He gladly accepts.
"Ok well I guess now that you're awake, I'll leave you be now." Not sure how to help anymore, I start to slide off his bed.
"No!" He grabs my wrist but flinches back in pain. After regaining his breath he starts again. "Please stay with me tonight, you make me feel safer."
"Ok I'll take the floor and keep an eye on you tonight." I say, glad that he wants me here with him.
Four smirks again. "Thanks. I would have been much worse if it weren't for you. And please, just sleep on the bed, I don't mind." he pats the spot on the bed next to him.
I nod my head and turn off the lights. "Ok, goodnight Four, don't let the bed bugs bite." I giggle, trying to lighten the mood.
Four chuckles but stops all the sudden. "No please call me Tobias, but only when no one else is around. Its my real name and it would be nice to hear it again from someone who actually cares."
I whisper, "Goodnight Tobias."
"Goodnight Tris, sweet dreams." Tobias adds in sweetly, and with that, I'm asleep.

Divergent High
FanfictionTypical divergent high school story - lots of fourtris fluff!! Tris Prior moves from California because her rich and very famous parents got promotions. She starts school at Divergent High in Chicago and blows everyone away by her incredible strengt...