Chapter Six

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Considering the last time I had dinner with the royal family it ended with my parents' murder, I can't say I'm particularly excited for this.

If I'm looking on the bright side of things, I do look exceptionally good. Amelia offered to help me get ready, which I immediately accepted. She picked out my dress, did my hair and makeup, and kept me company. It was nice to have someone there with me, I'll admit.

The instant I walk into the dining room, all eyes are on me. It seems as though I'm the last one to arrive, everyone is already at their seats. Ignoring their stares, I make my way to the only open chair. Luckily it's right next to Hudson, and unluckily across from Kenton. Queen Evelyn sits beside Kenton and Bastian is at the head of the table.

Even now as I sit in my chair, they all stare at me. Bastian's is more of a glare, but I'm positive that's how he always looks at me.

I clear my throat. "If you all keep staring at me like this I will not hesitate to gauge your eyeballs out one by one." I say.

Their eyes avert from me immediately, except for Bastian who rolls his. "Miss Farrington." He warns.

"What?" I shrug. "I think I'd enjoy it."

He sighs, but doesn't have the chance to respond as the servants enter the room with our food. I smile brightly, just to spite him.

The servants set down full plates in front of each of us at the table. I thank the one that puts my plate down and she stares at me with wide eyes, probably not expecting manners. Her eyes flicker to Bastian, who dismisses her with the wave of his hand.

Hudson leans over to whisper in my ear. "You don't need to thank them, Adi." He says, quiet enough that no one else can hear him.

Instead of replying to him, I roll my eyes. Royals truly have hideous manners, even Hudson.

The first few minutes that we start to eat are completely silent, the only sounds being cutlery scraping against our plates. Finally, Bastian clears his throat, preparing to speak.

"I want to start off by announcing that I will be hosting a ball next week in honor of Kenton's engagement. Princess Zehra is already here at the castle and will be staying with us until after the ball." He declares.

I snap my head up to look at Kenton. I had no conception of his engagement. When his eyes find my own, he doesn't particularly look excited to be an engaged man. I'll have to taunt him about it later.

"I hope to see you there as well, Adira." Bastian turns to me.

I tear my gaze from Kenton to look at him. I hadn't expected to be invited to the ball, but nonetheless, I give him a small nod. I'm already dreading the fact that I will have to pick out another dress to wear. Hopefully Amelia will be available to help me again.

"How was training this morning, Adira?" I know Kenton can be quite harsh." Bastian changes the subject before taking another bite of his food.

"No, he went quite easy on me, actually." I say. I choose to leave out the part where I handed his son's ass to himself for Kenton's sake of dignity.

Kenton scoffs, causing me to turn my attention back to him.

"Is something funny, Kenton?" I ask, smiling tightly.

He shakes his head, looking at me now. "Of course not, sweetheart. I always scoff when you speak, nothing out of the ordinary."

I clench my hands around my cutlery, fighting back the urge to stab him. "Do you ever shut up? Or do you just enjoy hearing yourself speak so greatly that you must say such ignorant things all the time?" I bite back.

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