Best friends <3

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I arrived at the dorm, got ready for bed and waited for Jungwon's call. But why am I like this? I just met him.. and he's my brother's friend/member. Plus I barely know him, i'm still not over Hyunjin tho. I mean, I did so much for him and he betrays me like that. Pathetic. Soon Jungwon called me so I annswered the phone.

Jungwon: Hi Y/n! Did you get home safetly?

Y/n: Hiiiii! Yes I did, how about you?

Jungwon: Same here. Do you mind being on a face time instead of voice call?

Y/n: I don't mind.

We both turned on cameras and talked for a while. After some time Jungwon asked:

Jungwon: Are you okay? You seem a bit off, definitely more calmer then before.

I stayed silent, thinking if I should tell him about Hyunjin or not.

Jungwon: Helloooo~ Y/n?? The earth is calling Y/nnnn!

Y/n: O-oh um, yeah i'm here, I guess I can tell you, but only if you won't tell anyone else tho..

Jungwon: I won't, I promise.

Y/n: Alright then, especially not Jake. So before I moved to Seoul, I lived in Australia with my parents. When I auditioned for Hybe I met a boy called Hyunjin. We started talking and then dating, but one day as I was walking to get the prefer for our 1 month anniversary I hear him talking to another girl,

As I talked I start to fill up with tears and my voice is cracking at times as I try to not cry.

Y/n: and turned out that he didn't actually love me, he dated me just to get closer to my dad's business. He was even cheating the whole time too.

As tears escaped my eyes, Jungwon said:

Jungwon: Wait, i'll be here in a minute.

Y/n: what?

I said confused with my cracky voice.

Jungwon: I'm coming to your dorm to comfort you obviously. Are your teammates home? Should we go somewhere else instead?

Y/n: No Jungwon, it's okay don't worry!

Jungwon: Your actions don't seem like it, open the door

I went to open the door for him.

Y/n: Could we go somewhere else? The others are here so..

Jungwon: Sure, where should we go tho?

Y/n: I know a perfect place! Just follow me.

I went out and leaded him to my favorite place, the river.

I went out and leaded him to my favorite place, the river

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Jungwon: It's pretty!

He said as we sat down.

Y/n: Sorry to make you come here at this hour, your probably very busy so yea.

Jungwon: I'm not really busy now, so I have time.

I was still crying over Hyunjin.

Jungwon: He's not worth it Y/n, you'll find someone better.

I kept crying because I thought Hyunjin loved me and worst of yall, I could trust him anything at that time, now I have no one to be honest. I kinda feel awkward talking to my friends about it so I just stay quiet and talk about something else with them.

Jungwon: Come here

As he said this, he pulled me into a hug.

I froze at the spot. Did my heart just skip a beat..? I can't fall in love with him? He's an idol, there's no way that he'd like someone like me. I hesistated to hug him back, but unfortunately I did it. Seconds later I pulled away from the hug, god he was so warm, I could hug him forever mshajsjahs.

Y/n: I think I should go now, our group has an importnant meeting tommorow.

Jungwon: I'll walk you home!

Y/n: okay

some minutes later we arrived at the dorm. I turned around to face him;

Y/n: Bye Jungwonnnnnn!

I said while waving.

Jungwon: Bye!

He said while smiling.

I thought to myself: gosh his dimples thooooo!

I waited for him to dissapear as he left. When I couldn't see him anymore, I went into the dorm.

Hanni: Y/nnnnn where were you??

Danielle: We we're so worried! Why'd you leave without telling us?

Y/n: Oh sorry my bad, I was in a rush, I was outside next to the river!

Minji: Are you okay tho? Did someone hurt you or anything?

Y/n: Yeah i'm okay, I was with Jungwon.

Minji: Thank God!

Hyein: OOOOOOO~ Y/n has a loveeeeeeeer~

Y/n: Hyein-aaaaa~ I just met him, I can't like him that fast!

Hyein: HAHA I'm just kidding!

Haerin: Future love birds!

Haerin shouted from the bathroom.

Y/n: Ya Haerin!

We all laughed for a while then left to our rooms.

I thought to myself: future love birds? sjajhegfwehb I wish! He's so cuteeeeeee! And his warm chest!!

I said while kicking the air and laying on my bed. I fell asleep thinking about the hug between me and Jungwon.

Trainee Life - Jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now