Chapter 16 - Grow Old With Love

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(Katy POV)

"And 17, and 18" he says as he holds my feet. I have almost done 18 sit ups and my back is already killing me. I pulled myself up and then back down, "and 19" he said as I pulled myself back up, Q's face was so close to my own that as I went up I quickly pecked his lips and went back down.

"That was sneaky" he said as I laughed, "yep, but it got me up" I said laughing as I stayed down. "Ok, one more" he said as I pulled myself up again, "yes" I said kissing his lips again. "Good job" he said as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Thanks" I said as we both stood up, we walked over to a table and I grabbed a bottle of water off there. "So I was thinking" I said leaning back against the table as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh geez, here we go" he said as he smirked, I opened my mouth and punched him in the arm, but my punches are pathetic though so it didn't matter, he just laughed. "Ok, I'm sorry, what were you thinking about?" He asked wiping the smile off his face.

"Ok, I know you will want to object, but just listen, ok?" I said making him frown, but he nodded. "Ok, so I know you won't want me to, but I want to help you" I said taking another sip of water.

"Help me? What do you mean?" He said tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy. I put my water bottle down and stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Let me help you with your money problems" I said as he sighed.

"Katy, we've already discussed this, I don't want to take money from you" he said stroking my cheek, I smiled, "I know, but now we are together, so what's mine is yours" I said as he kissed my forehead.

"Katy, I can't, I refuse to take your money, you work hard for your money, and so do I" he said rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I shook my head, "no, I work hard for my dream, the money is something that just comes along with it" I said as he smiled down at me.

"Katy, I love you and your kind heart, but I will be fine" he said kissing my forehead again, before turing around and grabbing a bottle of water for himself. "Argh, your so stubborn" I said crossing my arms and pouting my lips.

"Then we must be alike" he said turning back around and kissing my pouted lips. "Ok, well, since you are working for me, I am going to have to pay you" I said smirking over at him, "no, it's ok, I can do it for free" he said shrugging.

"Quentin, that will just put you in dept, if you are coming on tour with me that means you will be away from your job for months, meaning you won't get paid for months. How will you cope paying for everything when you get back?" I said following him as we walked over to the couch.

"I will figure something out, probably take longer shifts, get another part time job, I'm not sure just yet" Q said as he flopped down onto the couch. I sat down on his lap and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Listen, I love you and you are now in my life, your just going to have to get used to the fact that I want to help you" I said as I put my arms around his neck. "I love you to" he said smiling at me, he pressed his lips against my own.

"But I will be fine" he said pulling away and smiling at me. I sighed and let my body flop backwards onto the couch so I still had my legs over Q's legs. "Stop worrying so much" he said as he rubbed my legs, "your my boyfriend, of course I'm going to worry" I huffed looking up at him.

"You and your kind heart" he chuckled as he began massaging my legs. It felt really nice actually, I sighed happily and closed my eyes. "Well your the one that fell in love with my kind heart so you have to deal with the extras that come along with it" I said shrugging.

I heard him chuckle which made me open my eyes and smile at him. His laugh was like music to my ears, it's now one of my favourite sounds. "What, like snoring" he said laughing and shaking his head but he kept massaging my legs.

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"I do not snore" I whined which only made him laugh harder. "Of course not" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes but sat up so I was face to face with him, "I think we should go out for lunch, don't you" I said smiling.

"Ok, but don't pick an expensive place, I'm running low on money" he said frowning. I laughed, "oh we will be going somewhere expensive because I'm paying, let's go" I said standing up and pulling him with me. "Tam!" I yelled loudly as I stepped out of the room.

I waited a couple of seconds before Tamra finally walked around the corner, "yes?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "Q and I are going back to the hotel to get changed and we are going out for lunch" I said smiling at her, she nodded and gave me a thumbs up before walking away.

"Let's go" I said as I intertwined my fingers with his. "Your not paying" he said as I pulled him with me, "shut up and deal with it man" I said smirking at him


"Thank you" Q said to the diver as we got out of the black SUV. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked inside, I looked up at him, noticing his eyebrows forming a V shape, he almost looked angry or like he was glaring at someone.

I chuckled at him, the look off his face disappeared and he smiled down at me, "what?" He asked as we walked inside the building towards the elevator, "I've noticed you do that a lot" I said smiling as he frowned.

"Do what?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly, "you always look mad, just when your walking around or thinking" I said as he smiled and shook his head. "Do I?" He said looking back ahead of us.

"Yeah" I said nodding, he shrugged as he pushed the button for the elevator, "I must have inherited that from my father, he used to do that" he said chuckling. I smiled at how proud he looked when he spoke about his father.

I don't understand why he is single? Every woman that walks past him is an idiot, any girl that has been with him and let him slip through their fingers is an idiot.

But I'm not going to let that happen.

I placed my hand on Q's cheek making him look down at me, I smiled and leaned up to press my lips against his. I pulled away seeing him smile at me, "I love you" I whispered as the elevator doors opened.

Q smiled and unwrapped his arm from around my waist and grabbed my hand, gently pulling me into the elevator. Once the doors closed, Q turned to me and he wrapped both of his arms around my waist and pressed his lips against my own.

It was only a short kiss, but it was yet again, one of the meaningful short kisses. The kisses that makes you get butterflies and makes you feel like your standing under fireworks.

"I love you" he said pressing his forehead against my own. I felt my heart melt and I began smiling like an idiot, he giggled at my reaction.

"Are you coming to the water park tomorrow?" I asked as we pulled away and waited for the lift to arrive on our level. "Ahh, I don't know" he said shrugging as the elevator doors opened.

"Come on, have a little fun for once" I said as I linked my fingers with his. "Hey! I'm fun!" He complained as we stepped out of the elevator. "Oh yeah?" I asked raising my eyebrows, he smiled and nodded, "ok then" I said letting go of his hand and turning to face him.

He smiled and crossed his arms, I smiled and turned around, quickly and loudly knocking on the door in front of me before turning and sprinting down the long corridor. I was laughing and I looked back seeing a shocked Quentin looking around Quickly before sprinting after me.

I quickly around the corner and watched Q sprint towards me before hiding as well. We poked our heads out and watched as the door opened and a blonde headed woman stepped out, she frowned and looked the opposite way.

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