Chapter 3 Part 2

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"You know I'm closer than you think.. Sooner or later you'll see me" MITCH says "Wait REALLY!?!" I say excitingly. My one true goal is to meet MITCH... to touch, hug and kiss Mitch... I expect him to be tall with like brown-ish gold-ish hair, Have brown eyes and is always sweet and kind.. The most amazing person in the world... "I Know I am" Mitch took me out of reality.. "Shhh" "well your going to need to get up soon it's 11am" The angelic voice said.. "WAIT 11am?!? SHIT!" I quickly got up had a shower got dressed and left to go to Adams.

Adam is my new friend i watched a few of his videos and messaged him about doing a video together and he wanted to so we decide to record a few videos with him and a few of his friends and I became really good friends with them!! So he wanted me to come to this diner they always go to apparently it had the best food in town and they know the owners so they can get a big discount which i though was cool. I want to meet some more friends and I want to meet Mitch...

I pulled up out the front of Adams and knocked on the door and Adams Boyfriend Ty opened the door.. "Oh hey Jerome!! Adam will be down in a minute he slept in" and he guided me in and walked upstairs to where Adam was. I've been to Adams house a few times now so I plopped myself on the couch and watched whatever they where watching on TV some cartoons where on, "Well you seemed to make yourself comfortable" Adam says and startles me "Oh oh yeah just thought I'd watch some TV while I wait" i said still startled "Don't worry dood it's fine, Now Leggo I gotta pick up Tyler on the way!!

We get in my car and Adam drives just so my car isn't left here and pick up Tyler and go to the diner names 'Hughes Diner' we sit down at the table and wait for a waiter, And all of the sudden the hottest waiter ever comes to our table and says "Hello and Welcome to the Hughes Diner My name is Mitch and I'll be your waiter!" Mitch... That name so familiar.. "You don't need to suck up Mitch we know you.." Adam says.. "Oh Hey guys" he says back.. It's the voice.. The angelic voice.. "Hey Who's this?" He says pointing at me.. I look up and see his face.. "Oh This is Jerome" his eyes widen and stares at me.. "Jerome.. Is it really you" I finally figured out who it is.. "Mitch.. Is it you.." And simultaneously we say "Your the sweet/angelic voice in my head.." "Oh well where GONNA leave you to alone it looks like some stuff need to happen.. I'm not quite sure on any of this so... Yeah" Brotato says then leaves.. "Yeah imma go with him.. Just message me when this love fest is done.." Adam says and leaves right after brotato.. But all I could focus on was Mitch... My Mitch exactly how I pictured him... "Do you wanna go get some ice-cream and go on a walk?" He asked.. "Sure.." I say back completely mesmerised by what has just happened... I have met the love of my life... And his name is Mitch... <3


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