'Hey Govind. Anirudh is waiting for you outside our department. Looks like something urgent' Shriram informed from a distance.
The rage within Govind resurfaced when he heard that name.
'You all can stay here' he ordered his friends as he left the department corridor.
'I am scared if something big might happen between the two' Namita expressed her fear knowing their war.
'I too feel the same but if we go now it might even worsen' Shiva expressed. The group stood still unable to witnessing their body language at a distance.
'Can you figure out anything from their actions?' Kirti asked Rakesh as he was exposed to dubbing sessions.
'Nothing. I dub for my directorial films with the dialogues at hand. Without any context, I cannot get anything. At the distance, even their lip movements are not clearly visible. Just looks like a climax confrontation scene between the leads' Rakesh expressed his inability in his filmy language.
Govind slowly began turning restless looking at Anirudh every growing second.
'Congratulations Govind. You have cleared the final HR round and got selected. Just came to know from Nandhan' Anirudh handed his mobile having the final list of shortlisted candidates. Both had attended the campus placement for a leading product based MNC and were awaiting for results.
Nandhan immediately came running from a distance.
'Is this true?' Govind confirmed with Nandhan as he was the lead of student placement representatives.
'Yeah…just got their response. Even the placement officer first thought they were uninterested looking at their delay but they finally rolled out the shortlist justifying some budget issues for the delayed processing' Nandhan explained.
Govind had full smiles over his face and immediately rushed into his department to share the news with his friends.
The shivers turned into happiness as Govind shared the news with his friends as it was a prestiguous organization and stood as one of those few companies to offer a creamy salary package to students.
'Sorry out of excitement, I brought in Anirudh's phone, let me return it back to him' Govind returned back to his senses within minutes.
'The placement officer wanted me to check how come you got rejected post the HR round? He said it rarely happens with such big companies as they prefer to filter out in the initial rounds itself' Nandhan clarified with Anirudh.
'Actually they had figured out the shortlisted candidates when myself and Govind attended our HR round with just one more candidate left. We both were fighting for the last available job vacancy. The interviewer who conducted the interview was confused on whom to pick between me and Govind. Mine being the last candidature for interview, she was honest in expressing her doubt as both were equally qualified' Anirudh began to explain.
'Then how did it happen?' Nandhan wanted to hear the full story.
'We both shared moments of silence and she even checked with the higher management if she could hire another resource but they declined as it was getting over the alloted vacancies for our campus. She was not able to decide for nearing an hour so I suggested her to go with Govind stating he had completed his engineering in Computer Science so should be preferred over a guy like me with background in Mechanical engineering. HR did not initially agree as she felt both our profiles perfectly suited their role and this shouldn't be a concern. I even vocalized my plans of pursuing my masters and was planning to take up GRE in few months. The latter reason kind of passified her to take a call thinking the life of an employee at their company. Might be, the company agreed to go with Govind over me. He equally deserved this opportunity' Govind completed his full story making it clear to Nandhan.
Both were shocked to see Govind already waiting there hearing their conversation. Before Anirudh could explain any further, Govind ran and hugged him tight with tears in his eyes.
'Sorry for misunderstanding you buddy' Govind expressed in his choked voice.
'Hey don't do too much. You deserved it for your talent. I had not part in this. Just that I spiced it up for you by coming in your way' Anirudh said reciprocating a happy hug.
They both hi-fived and entered into Computer Science department with hands over each others shoulder.
'Both became friends again?' Shiva asked in excitement.
'We always were' Govind said smiling at Anirudh.
'Phew... I can never understand the friendship between boys. You fight for years and suddenly turn up as if nothing between you' Kirti spoke her mind.
'THAT is what we are KNOWN for' Anirudh said for which all the boys joined together.
'Tell me now. Govind or Puja?' Namita asked Shiva.
'Obviously Puja but... definitely not at the cost of Govind' he responded to Namita.
Puja smiled at Shiva admiring his friendship with Govind.
'Are you guys still not in a relationship?' Anirudh looked at both Shiva and Puja.
Shiva out rightly fell on his feet without thinking about his self-esteem.
'Please stop it. I liked Puja since first semester and wished to admire her from a distance. You guys hyped it too much as if I was madly in an one-sided relationship with Puja and now I fear to even shake hands with her thinking she might mistake me for something else. My only wish was to have one good photo memory with Puja. That is all. All you people, spoilt it with your unnecessary flares' Shiva spoke his mind without an external voice. Everyone including Puja smiled at his innocence.
'There he is, the grey man' Akshay commented looking at Pritam who had by then turned up in his dark grey shirt.
'Will this work?' he asked Rakesh.
'Perfectly blends with orange kurti' he responded as the extended group of friends laughed.
'Come let's go the photo booth' Pritam gathered the friend. Ankit and Chandru was by then back from the library. The group of friends with the new inclusion of Anirudh headed towards the photo booth session arranged by their juniors.

FAREWELL ... One last time
General FictionEngineering has got a vibe of its own. The journey of engineers usually begins as a bumpy ride but eventually the tables turn at the end of their final year. This story is set one night before the farewell of batch 2K12. All the students are left...