"Gah!" Tigry yelled as Willow pushed him in a storage closet. "I bet you'll like it in there too." Fang said. "What!? Fang you said-" Willow was pushed by Fang and he locked the door. "Fang!!" Willow yelled, banging on the door.
"I-I think he left" Tigry said. Scared to talk to Willow. Willow glared at Tigry.
20 minutes later
Tigry looked at Willow. 'She looks cold.' Tigry thought. Tigry, being the nice person he is, got close to Willow and hug her. "Wha! What are you doing!?" Willow said. "I'm keeping you warm." Tigry said. Willow grunted. 'At lest I have a heater' Willow thought.
35 minutes later
Willow and Tigry were still looked in. But then something came over the intercom. "Everyone someone as entered the school with a gun!!" Willow started banging on the door, trying to get it open. She couldn't. She grunted. Then saw Tigry. He was rocking him self back and forth.
Willow ran over to him and pulled him on to her lap. "Shhhhh~ its ok. I'm here." Willow said to Tigry.
10 minutes later
The intercom came on again. "Everything is now under control." "We're safe." Willow said to Tigry. Willow couldn't help but star in awe at Tigry's green eyes. Willow cupped Tigry's face and kissed him. Tigry was shocked but he still kissed back.