Chapter Eleven

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Andy POV:

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon. It had reminded me that I hadn't eaten since breakfast the morning before.

I walked downstairs and began to hear singing.

I turned the corner and saw that it was Rayne singing. Her voice was beautiful.

I stood in the doorway for a moment and watched. I'd never seen Rayne this relaxed. Her hair was down in waves that would sway every time her head turned.

"Mornin'." I said, startling her slightly.

She took a deep breath and rested her hand on her chest.

"I didn't mean to scare you." I told her. "It's okay. I just scare easy." She replied.

Oz walked, or rather, stumbled down the stairs.

"Good mornin', sleepin' beauty."  Rayne said to her brother who just groaned.

"Leave me alone." Oz mumbled and rested his head on the table.

Did he even notice that I was here?

"Mornin', dude." I said.

Oz jumped and snapped his head over at me.

"When did you get here?" He asked.

"He was outside all night. I told him to come in and get some sleep." Rayne answered. "Wait, does that mean you went outside?" Oz asked. "I can't hide forever." She spoke, softly. "I'm proud of you, sis." Her brother told her.

Rayne looked at Oz with a small smile, a little bit of light coming to her eyes that I had never seen before.

Just as we were about to eat, something was thrown into the window, shattering it.

I jumped and grabbed Rayne before it could hit her.

When I looked up, a car was speeding away.

I quickly jumped up and chased after him while I called backup. 

Rayne POV:

A brick had been thrown through the kitchen window. What the fuck?

I picked up the brick when I saw that there was a piece of paper wrapped around it. 

You're mine.

Oz was already on the phone with the police while I tried to call Detective Long, but there was no answer.

As I picked up a broom to clean the broken glass, my phone rang, making me drop it.


"You could have killed me, you crazy fuck!" I yelled when I answered. "I'm a good aim, my love. I would never hurt you, as I've told you time and time again." 

His breath began to get heavy and rapid. He was angry.

"What the fuck are you doin' around the cop, Rayne? I've seen the way he looks at you. I saw you bring him inside last night as well. Are you bein' unfaithful to me, Rayne?" He growled.

How did he know that? He'd been fucking watching, risking getting caught.

"Unfaithful? You're insane." I told him. "STOP callin' me names!" Roark screamed into the phone.

My entire body jolted when he yelled. He never yelled at me before, which means he is more unstable than I thought.

"I'm sorry, baby." He said, sounding calmer. 

"I didn't mean to scare you, okay? I love you." He said, sounding sickeningly sweet.

"I don't know what else it will take for you to stop. Why? Why are you so obsessed with me? I don't understand." I told him.

"You want to know why I love you so much?" Roark asked.

I took a deep breath.


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