In Harry's house there was a dog and his sister and his dad. Harry lead me to his room. Inside was posters of Rolling Stones and Beatles.
He pulled me on his bed and kissed me."i love you so much" he said. I ruffled his curly locks and looked into his green orbs. when he smiled I kissed his dimples.
I layed back on his bed and he layed on top of me. Harry grinded on me and kissed me fiercely. I ruffled his curls and grinded to his pattern.
"Honey time to-" my mom walked in and saw us mid sex. Harry jumped up and I sat up. Harry's face filled a deep red. I tried to fix my messed up hair.
"S-sorry ms crews" Harry said. We walked out to the living room and sat on the couch. "Em we have to go kiss your boyfriend good bye" mom said.
I blushed and Harry grabbed my cheeks. he kissed my lips with a soft but needy kiss. I hugged him one last time and Harry walked me to the car . he grabbed my waist and pecked my nose.
I giggled and got in the car. as we drive away Harry was waving at me. "So I see you had fun at camp" mom said. "yeah" I replied .
"Did you guys have sex" she blurted out."mom NO" I quickly replied."ok just wondering because it looks like you guys knew what you were doing" she said.
"Mom" I said. she stopped talking and I sat back in my seat. I text Harry "hey boo" and waited for a reply. quickly after he said"hi baby! How's your mom".
I replied "she was asking if we had sex😖" it took him a minute to reply but stopped and called me as we got home.
"She what!" He said. I ran into my room without getting my bags and replied "she said in the room we looked like we knew what we were doing" he sighed and said good bye and that he will come over tommorow.
I layed on my bed and thought about tommorow. I will have to get mom out of the house or at least for a while.
In the morning I saw that I got a few texts from Harry asking where my house was. I freaked out because I wasn't even reafdyI texted him the address and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I put it in a ponytail since it would take to long to fix. the I slipped on blue skinny jeans and a black tank top.
There was a knock on the door and I opens it. Harry was standing there in jean knee shorts and a muscle teeshirt. right when I opens the door he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me fiercely. we moved backwards into the house and to my room. I locked the door and Harry moved me too my bed.
Half an hour later my mom was still asleep,gratefully. we and Harry were both naked on my bed, clothes all over my floor. I was cuddled in Harry's chest and he had his arm around my back.
I slowly got up and Harry groaned. he opens his eyes and said "come on back in bed you need rest after what happend"
I had to admit I was sore but my mom would come in. I winced and layed back down. Harry rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"Are you ok baby" he asked
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied .

My British baby
RomanceEmily goes off to a horrible summer camp expecting the worse when she meets a beautiful green eyed boy. He is a quite shy boy but a beautiful heart. Harry has a punk look by the wayyyy