I finish packing as my mom gets us seats for the plane. I cannot wait to go to LA! I run out of the door and I go into Macs car. We drive to the air port. You wouldn't believe who was there. AMBER!! That bitch! I walk right past her and she laughs "look at the loser" everyone looks at me and I roll my eyes. She kicks me in my butt "what's wrong?" She giggles "THATS IT AMBER! CAN YOU SHUT UP! YOU GOT ME, YOU RUIDED MY LIFE! ARE YOU HAPPY!" I yell walking away and sitting down so I can wait for the plane. "LIKE I CARE!" She yells with a snobby laugh. I take a deep breath and we board the plane. She irritates me! I grab my water and I chug it. The plane come and we board. I listen to the song Stitches by Shawn Mendes. ((I LOVE THAT SONG!!)) I sing it to myself as the plane takes off. I play a movie, that movie was Divergent because why not.😂 I don't get anything to eat because I wasn't hungry. The plane lands and Zoey and I scream! Mac laughs really hard. We run out of the plane and we grab our luggage.
---arrives at apartment------
We run in and we scream!!!! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we party! My elbow hits a wall and it makes a hole. "Shit!" I say seeing something inside "what's this?" I pick it up "NO FUCKING WAY!" I yell "this is $10,000 and a panting!" I say as I take out my phone and I look online. "THATS WORTH 1.8 MILLION DOLLARS!" I yell