18.Still breathing

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Yes I know that the title is a bit weird but you know I am weird so the title will obviously be weird. Before getting to the story I apologise for late update and also for the story line. I have absolutely no idea about how a date will be, I am writing it based on how I imagine a date to be. Thank you all. Now back to the story.

Zoya's POV 

Zoya's POV 

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Wow... is all that came to my mind. I really didn't think that he would put this much effort for a person like me. I have always dreamed about my first date and it was beyond my imagination.  It was just perfect. 

He pulled out the chair for me and stood by my side. " Good evening miss. I will be your waiter and companion for the night. Would you like a drink?" he says in a funny voice which made me chuckle." No. Thank you" I tell him as I don't drink. After serving our food he sits down besides me . We sit in silence until he starts speaking. "You know I have been planning on asking you this  for a long time. It's just I think that we should give this marriage a chance. If it doesn't work we can go on our own paths. So what do you say?" I stay silent for a few minutes before I reply. "I think that would be great. You have been nothing but kind towards me  unless you include  the first few days where you didn't even mind me"(it was me who avoided him but you know I had my reasons) I tell him. 

"So tell me about yourself " he says. "Umm.. my life is just a boring one. It does not include guns, fire and adventure. I was a kind of an extrovert and introvert. I didn't have much friends because I never talked much to anyone, but if got comfortable with a person that person will be begging me to close my mouth.All  my life I was just excepted to obey my parents and never say no. They were always like talk in this manner, speak like this, walk like this, sit like this. It was all just too much for me. So you know I started enjoying myself when I was away from my family but not in a bad way. I am not willing to bore you with all that today but will surely tell you about everything over time. So what about you, I know there's more to you than the " I AM THE MAFIA KING". So do you like being in the Mafia." I ask. His expression changes a bit but he soon comes back to normal.     

"If you put it like that, I really like my gang they are the best and to guide them is something I love doing." He says. We talk for few more minutes. I came to know that he likes watching tom and jerry and his favourite food is ravioli. 

After we finish our dinner. Renzo comes behind me and places his hand on my eyes. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He just ask me to be quiet. "I am going to take my hands away put you have to keep your eyes shut till I count three. No peeking" he tells me. I nod my head. " Ok. One..two..and three open your eyes".

There was a fire work show in the sky. It just made the night a bit more better. It was really like I was in a dream. I was watching it with a wide mouth. All the air in me was knocked out. I was not sure about how I was still breathing.  It was such a mesmerising event. 

When I turned to look at Renzo I found him already looking at me. Caught up in the moment we both start leaning towards each other amd the next thing I know is his lips on mine.


hope that you enjoy this chapter. If you want me to do some changes you can inform me. 

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