Chapter Content Warning: (slight blood)
.Zim curled up in the Dib's nest, his claws sheathing and unsheathing in the sheets as he kneaded the soft fabric.
A low vibrating could be heard from deep in his throat as his long antenni twitched and tapped the Dib's pillows.
Extending his legs, Zim stretched, his boots splitting into his individual claws, before rolling back up into a ball and watching the door. The Dib had started going to a work job after school, and had begun spending less time with Zim. It made him angry. He would show the Dib.
When the door could be heard opening from downstairs Zim Zipped under the Dib's bed to await his rival. It took several more minutes of the Dib walking around downstairs before he finally walked into his room.
Opening the door and flipping on the lights the first thing Dib noticed was his bed. He'd left it made this morning, but all the sheets appeared to be thrown around and his pillows moved. Glancing around his room he noticed several things from his closet having been messed around the door left ajar
Closing his door behind him and locking it, Dib slipped off his dark trenchcoat and hung it on his hook. He'd already taken his shoes off at the front door. Dib glanced around again, taking slow nervous steps towards the closet opening it the rest of the way.
Looking inside he found that only his laundry hamper had been knocked over and a few shirts were pulled off his hangers, none of his personal or valuable items appeared to be missing, especially as his very expensive camera had been left in the open and untouched.
Glancing back at his bed, he wondered if his sister had just come in to look for something, as it wasn't that uncommon for the two to borrow things from one another.
Satisfied with the idea, but still annoyed that she'd messed up his room he opened his door to yell at her down the stairs before re closing and locking his door.
Plopping himself down on his bed Dib pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his Me-Tube for any new paranormal activity he might be able to check out.
Zim watched eagerly as the Dib paced around his room. He'd appeared to notice Zim's mess but failed to spot the perpetrator. Eventually the Dib must have thought it was his Gaz sister as he yelled at her for leaving messes when she looked for things, but afterwards he gave up and laid in the bed above Zim.
It made the alien purr to think that the Dib was above him. But that was a mistake.
Dib paused as he heard a strange noise. He was used to picking up on small noises, as it was important when entering Zim's base, the alien's footsteps completely silent as he was small and light.
Looking around he tried to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.
It was a soft thrumming sound, almost like perhaps a cat's purr, or a piece of fabric caught in the wind.
He glanced at the window, the sound wasn't coming from there, it was in his room. Sliding his feet off the bed the sound stopped instantly.
Pulling his feet back into the bed, he waited for the sound to start again, but it didn't.
Hopping off and going to his closet, he tried to see if he could spot anything that could be making such a noise, but ultimately found nothing.
Looking back at his room he realized that only his bed had been disrupted aside from the closet.
Standing next to his bed he looked down to the gap between the floor and his mattress.
Zim's heart began to race as Dib stood next to the bed.
In an almost horror like fashion, Dib lowered a hand to the floor as he kneeled beside the bed and lifted the draped sheets.
When his head finally dropped to the ground and his eyes met pools of shimmering magenta, a smile played on the teen's lips.
"Why hello there Zim."
The alien growled backing up further under the bed.
Dib smirked with a soft chuckle. "Come on out, you're acting like a cat."
The alien's antennae came forward tapping slightly at the air in front of the teen.
Dib huffed, "Come here."
Zim didn't budge.
Reaching his hand under the bed Dib was met with the alien's claws. Pulling away with a hiss Dib looked at the small streaks of crimson the alien had left on his wrist. "Seriously? Zim get your but out from under there!"
"No." The alien objected.
Dib rolled his eyes, leaning back down to glare at the alien. "You messed up my room, so now you have to come out and help me fix it."
The alien glared, his split pupils narrowing on a solid magenta surface.
Dib huffed again, reaching for the alien, this time succeeding in grabbing one of his wrists and yanking him out from under the bed and into his lap.
Sharp claws lacerated all over Dib's arm as the alien used both his hands and his feet to try and pry himself out of the Dib's grasp.
With no reaction from the teen, Zim defaulted to using his teeth biting the teens fingers. This got a reaction out of him.
"Oi, don't you go using your mouth!"
Using his other hand, Dib pulled the scruff of Zim's tunic, choking him off the bite.
Furious yells could be heard from the alien as he now focused his attention to Dib's other arm, completely ignoring the fact that Dib had let go of his wrist.
Dib watched completely unamused as the tiny irken began to chew on and claw up his other arm, probably completely forgetting why he was doing it anyway.
He was so much like a cat, Dib thought.
Zim had stopped trying to take over the planet after the two of them moved into middle school, as he was sure the both of them had realized Zim was actually too incompetent to actually achieve anything.
And once Dib had gone to high school Zim stopped attending for the most part and now just followed the teen around like a lost puppy. Or Cat, in this instance.To be fair, although at first it had annoyed the teen, he'd soon grown to enjoy the irken's company, And he now looked forward to their time together.
He honestly questioned why he hadn't figured it was Zim who messed up his room, though it was probably because the alien had never done anything like that before.
Zim was generally a very neat person, so the fact that he'd wrecked Dib's closet and bed surprised him.
But the casual mauling of his arms was completely normal, and he honestly wasn't too worried about the alien being sick. Maybe he'd upset him and this was his way of revenge?
"Hey Zim, how was your day?" Dib asked, hoping to get answers, as the alien was always honest and blunt with him.
Zim stopped mailing Dib's arms, his antenni twitching. "Bad." The alien responded before going back to assaulting the human's arm.
"Just Bad?" That was certainly an unusual response. "Do you want to tell me why you tore apart my closet and ruined my bed?"
Zim seemed to pause and think on a response, his teeth still softly gnawing on the Dib's hand, not nearly hard enough to break skin.