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Iris squeezed her sweater as the hills surrounded her.
It was tradition.
As Yumirae a girl's academy stood outside the hills and was close to Morimori.
Both headmaster's organised a field trip every year during Christmas and two students from both schools switched for a week.
Two boys went to Yumirae and two girls went to Morimori.
Iris and a girl she had never met sat next to each other in a car as a driver took them to the problematic all-boys school.
She wasn't nervous or scared as she knew someone that was a student in Morimori and he was her entire world.
She had never met him in person and had been restricted to face-time calls and late-night texts for three years.
She was emotional to say the least as she didn't know what she would do when she saw him and was able to hug him and kiss him.
She had dreamt of his warmth, sweet scent and cute gibberish.
Iris had dreamt and wished of going to Morimori and this was her only chance to do so.
"I'm so nervous, god it's eating me alive," said the girl next to her.
Iris looked at her "The teachers will be protecting us.
The only thing you have to be afraid of is staying with me for this week" said Iris in her soft but dark feminine voice that was like honey to a certain pink-haired man.
"Yeah, it's just all the boys.
I haven't seen a boy since middle school" she said.
"They're the same.
I'm Iris by the way" said Iris.
"I'm Mara, it's nice to meet you" said Mara.
Iris smiled before getting a pack of strawberry gum that he gave her in a package for their third anniversary.
She took a piece and put it in her mouth before moaning softly at the familiar taste.
"You study photography right?" said Mara.
"Yeah, also journalism.
My boyfriend got me into photography" Iris said.
"You have a boyfriend?!
How?" asked Mara.
"Yeah, we face time a lot," said Iris as she threw her head onto the headrest.
"Ladies we're here," said the driver.
Iris looked at Morimori as nerves attacked her all the emotions running through her made her overwhelmed.
This was her first time seeing Morimori in person and she couldn't help but get anxious as the car stopped.
Mara got out but she stayed in the car looking at the large building.
All she could think about was him.
They had met from him texting the wrong person.
He clung to her automatically because she understood what he was trying to say and responded.
Iris looked at her hands as she felt everything come down on her at once.
A few steps until there was no going back.
The door opened "Are you getting out?" said Mara.
Iris broke out of her trance before looking at Mara.
"Yeah, I don't know why I'm so nervous," said Iris.
"Is he here?" said Mara with a smile on her face.
"Yep," said Iris.
"Come on, we're not leaving this damn school until you see him," said Mara.
Mara pulled Iris out of the car and pulled her to the front of the school where the headmaster was.
There was no going back now and Iris knew that but she also knew that once she saw Yuri it would all be ok.

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