Chapter X

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Seulgi's POV

Yeji and I are in her room now. We left Karina washing the dishes with Joohyun unnie, she insisted on helping.

"What happened between you and unnie?" Yeji ask, as she's getting her things.

"We fought." I just said as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Obviously!" She looks at me in disbelief. "Why aren't you okay yet?"

"I ca... I don't know." I said and look down.

"Now, that's a first. You usually know what to do, whenever things are about her. From here, I might think you already confess to her but she rejected you. That's why you came here because you couldn't take it and Joohyun unnie was worried, for you, that she decided to find you." She said those words, casually, as she goes around her room. What she just said was almost the truth. I'm totally shocked by it.

"How did you..." Those words slowly went out from me, that made my sister stop what she's doing and look at me in shock.

"That's what happened!?" She shouted and sat beside me.

"N-no." I said. "Not really."

"Let me guess... She asked for time to think about it, that's why you're sulking here." She said. Why is she thinking like this?

"Do you think I like her?" I asked her because as of now, I'm still not sure.

"Do you not?" Yeji asked me, confused.

"I do like her, as a friend." When I said that my sister laugh. That made me furrow my brows. She calm her self down after seeing my expression.

"I have questions, unnie.I want you to answer me honestly." She seriously said. I just nodded and wait for her question.

"Do you find Joohyun unnie attractive?" Seriously? this is her question?

"Who doesn't?" I said.

"Whenever you feel like talking to someone, who do you call first?"


"When there's and emergency?"


"To whom do you tell all things?"

"Joohyun unnie."


"Because she's my best friend? Seriously, Yeji? What are the--" she cut me off.

"Okay. Whenever she's not around what do you feel?"

"It'll make me want to look for her." I answered.

"Whenever she's with someone else, and you haven't seen this person before?" That reminded me of the moment I first saw Suho oppa. "What's the feeling?"

"I don't know." but I didn't like it.

"What if she prioritize someone else before you?"

"Yeji. You know I easily get jealous." I answered her.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. "You're only the Jealous type when it comes to Joohyun unnie. You, yourself, should realize that." She told me. "Tell me, who is Irene unnie for you?"

"My best friend." I simply answered, she rolled her eyes at me.

"Can you tell me something else?" She looks like she's close to getting irritated already.

"She's someone who have always been with me. She's someone I rely on so much. By rely on, I don't mean that in a way that I just keep on leaning on to her. She's someone who understands me, even just by looking at me. Sometimes, I even wonder if she felt that way for me too. Because as of now, I think I never did understood her, I never got to read her. She always know what I feel, she just see right through me, but I don't think I was that to her."

"Unnie your out of the topi--"

"She's someone I want to understand well, as much as she understands me. Someone who I want to lean on me, just like how I lean on her. She's someone I want to take care of." I said those staring straight to my sister's eyes. "You know what? I feel guilty for not seeing right through her. I feel accountable on why she's breaking right now. It was never really her choice to fall in love with me, I'll never blame her or be angry with her jus because she feels that way."

"You shouldn't be feeling that way unnie. You didn't see it because it was intended to be hidden. In the first place, you didn't know what she felt. Irene unnie wouldn't like it if you told her that you're guilty and you feel accountable by what's happening. Speaking of..." She looked at me. No, glared at me. "Irene unnie confessed to you?! Yah!! You should've done that! You fell first!" She said punching my arm.

"What do you mean I fell first?"

"Yah! Don't tell me, you're still denying what you feel?" I'm not denyi-- "The time you two became close you followed her in whatever school she's enrolled in. I'd never forget that time you begged mom and dad to let you transfer to a high school near Irene unnie's university, after she graduated. You were so excited in going to college with Irene unnie that you declined offers from other great universities. Let's not forget that you studied how to cook, just so that you could cook for her. I also know the reasons why you broke up with your exes." She smirked. No way. "Isn't it because you didn't have anymore time to spend with your Irene unnie, and you think they're pulling you away from her? If you ever thought of it, you're obsessed with her." How did she even notice this things?

"I'm not..." obsess.

"Unnie, I know you will go after her, to New York, next year. I saw your application for a university there." I was shocked when I heard that, I never told anyone. "For how long are you going to keep telling yourself that you only care for her as a friend?" I'm speechless.

"I- I didn't know."

"You knew you can't be away from her, just by that, you should've known already." Yeji said. "No wonder you didn't notice that she was falling for you already. You didn't even realized that you fell for her since the very beginning."

"How are you so good with this things?" I asked her. She's younger, yet she's the one who made me realize these things.

"Because unlike you unnie, I'm not scared of taking risks if I know that that person is worth it." She smiled at me. I then remembered...

"Is Karina worth the risk?" I asked. She was shocked by it at first but I saw how her expression slowly soften. She gave me genuine smile. She looks happy.

"She is, unnie." I can't help but smile when she said that. "I hope you gain courage already. Be brave and accept what you feel. Don't lose Irene unnie. She's the best thing that has ever happened to you, you know that." I know. That's the reason why I never thought of being in a relationship, as more than friends, with her. Because I want to keep her, forever, I don't want her temporarily. But I guess I really couldn't stop it. I get all of it now. All that's left to do now is... "Talk to her, unnie."

"I will. Thank you." I said to her. She hugged me, she then got the things she collected earlier, before we were talking seriously.

"That's great! Because you both will be sleeping here in my room, for tonight, and I'll be at Rina's" She said that before she ran off. I can't believe she's doing this. I can't be in the same room with Joohyun unnie, when I just realized what I feel for her.

"Yeji!!!" I shouted

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