A New Pack Member

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A new day. I woke from dreaming about being in the Maze. It was in odd feeling to open my eyes to an almost normal bedroom. Teresa and I noticed that the other girls were gone. We looked at one another. "Are we late for breakfast?" I asked.

A staff member flung open our door and ushered us out. She was a tall woman with broad shoulders and a bob of brown hair tied into a high ponytail.

She led us through another maze of winding corridors and opened a set of double doors into the food hall we'd been brought to the day before. Except now, there were more tables, organised into rows, and there were lots of teens we didn't recognise. We went to sit at the empty spaces with the boys for breakfast.

"See those two over there?" Newt whispered to me as we ate. There were two boys on another table, alone, sitting either side of their table as they quietly ate their food. I nodded. "They were in our dorm."
One of them was tall with brown hair and a dun coloured jacket; the other was scrawny and nervous-looking, with a striped hoodie.

Before I was halfway through my food, another doctor stepped into the room, a clipboard at her side. She was shielding it from view protectively. "Newt, ___, Faelan, would you like to come with me?" Newt and I shared uncertain looks.

"Why's that?" Newt asked.

We'd followed her partway down the air-conditioned corridor before she responded to us. "Your tests showed... different results." Newt and I looked at one another, wide-eyed. What if they'd found out we were wolves? And the boy with us had been the tall boy on the other table: Faelan. Was he a wolf, too? He didn't seem to want to look at us at all, let alone talk.

Each light became more blinding than the last as we made our way through the wide, endless corridors. I tried to find little landmarks so that I could find a way back for us if I needed. "Where are you taking us?" I asked.

"Just here." She turned us right and pushed her long, blonde hair behind her ear before leading us through a door. The room was huge! It was nicely lit and had refreshing air conditioning. There were some large rocks--real ones--and even a small pool. The wall was painted to look like a forest and there were a few small trees that had been planted in gravel to emphasise the effect.

The doctor sat us down in three chairs by the door. I was in the middle with the boys either side of me. "What is this?" I asked.

The doctor had gone to a small desk with a monitor next to Faelan. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble." She peered over the computer at us. "When we were told WCKD were doing experiments on kids, we thought they'd just meant the Mazes. We never knew they'd turn to genetic modification."

Then why did they already have the enclosure..? "What do you mean?" I stammered. It was likely that playing dumb wouldn't help but she was being awfully cryptic.

"You must know by now that your DNA is very similar to that of a wolf's. We just want to make sure you can control it."

"Do you think we're going to flip out and start eating people?" Faelan asked, sarcasm laced into his words. It was the first time I'd heard him speak. His voice sounded tough and clear, as if he was used to getting his voice heard.

"N-no. We're just concerned for you. It's imperative that you're safe within yourselves as well as around other people. Do..." she looked as though she didn't quite want to ask. "Do you have the ability to transform into wolves?"

Faelan laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He flashed sharp teeth and his eyes glinted amber. He leapt out of his chair and transformed. The woman appeared surprised, but not as though she was in danger.

"Would you mind coming here, Faelan? We're just going to put this around your wrist.

"Funny how they waited for you two to get here before saying my tests were weird," he said in wolf-speak. It was obvious he was talking to us. He hesitated, before walking over and offering his paw. Around the wrist was placed a white band with various green lights flickering throughout it.

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