"If I asked you to be my wife would you have said yes?" He asks me annoyed.
I shake my head. It's the truth.
"So I didn't fucking ask"
"You- cant just-"
"I can and I did, look at the pretty rock on your finger as proof"
I have the sudden urge t...
"I don't want to make a speech!!" Matteo whines at Phoenix.
"Your my best man, you have too" Phoenix says annoyed.
I took my eyes curling the lady piece of my hair.
"What do I say?"
"Tell a funny story, YOU SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN IT AGES AGO!" Phoenix yells.
I smile and quickly walk away.
Back in my room I slip on my dress.
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I add my gold hoops and look out the window, everyones gathering some I quickly head outside.
The ceremony is beautiful, the bride is stunning.
I maybe even tear up a little.
Everyone's makes their way to the carefully laid out tables under the beautiful sun and eat.
I eat in the same table as all my friends from high school, we all talk.
It's good to catch up.
Then the speeches start, the brides father does great, the maid of honour does great.
Even Matteo seems to pull something out.
It's Phoenix's speech that gets me.
"I never thought I'd get the luxury to marry someone I truly loved, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to stand here and enjoy every second of this, to make a speech and mean every word. But I do. And I am. I am that lucky. And now standing here I realise love isn't a luxury. It should not only be given the to best of us, we all deserve to be loved and in love. I love you more than the world itself Sophia. And I believe I always will. I hope all of you find that someone" he says before cheering to the crowd.
My cheeks are soaking wet.
I politely and discreetly excuse myself before running inside.
I slide down the wall and sob.
I let it all out.
Because this is not what I imagined my life to be like when I was a little girl.
I wanted a choice in the matter.
I say in Who I love.
I wanted to be in loved.
And be loved.
And maybe some weak part of me knows I am in love with him. With Ivan.
But I never ever wanted it to be this way.
I never wanted it to be forced.
Would I have loved him if I had met him differently?
I open the door and almost fall back when I see Ivan standing there, in a tux.
With a bouquet of flowers.
I slam the door shut but before it can he shoves his way in.
"No no no" I say.
"Elle stop"
"No this is my brothers wedding day!"
"Oh? Is it" he says looking around.
"How'd you find me?"
"There's a tracker in your ring"
I look down and suddenly I'm filled with so much hate I rip it off and hurl it at his stupid face.
I miss it hits his chest.
"Elle that was a million dollar diamond"
"Shut your mouth. Get out" i hiss.
"Everything okay?" I hear someone call.
I turn around and see my cousin standing there confused.
"Just a petty fight with the Mrs you know how it can be" Ivan says smiling.
My cousin laughs and walks off.
"Mrs my ass I want a divorce"
"I don't believe in divorces" he says stepping forwards.
I huff and turn walking out.
He grabs my arm and yanks me back.
"Stop acting like a brat"
"A brat?? ME"
"What do you want me to do to make this better?" He asks me.
"Let me leave you" I offer.
"Baby? Come on we can fix this"
"You put my entire family bin danger. You took a gamble on our lives" I spit.
He sighs rubbing his head where I hit him with the ring.
"I'd never let something happen to you beautiful, your my girl"
I roll my eyes killing the butterflies in my stomach.
"It's time for the dancing!!" Some one calls.
"Aren't you asking me to dance?"
"If you die on the dance floor I will"
He takes my hand and drags me.
We sit on the tables watching people dance.
"I've never met your brothers why?"
"I like them, I don't like you"
"They seem cool, Matteo looks happy"
I look over to my younger brother as he sits huffing in the corner.
I get up and walk over to him.
"¿Por qué no estás bailando?"
(Why aren't you dancing?)
"es musica de mierda" he replies grumpily
(It's shitty music)
"tu hermano querría que bailaras"
(Your brother would like you to dance)
"A él no le importa, ahora mismo se está follando a la novia."
(He doesn't care, he's fucking the bride right now.)
"no digas eso"
(Don't say that)
"como si no tuvieras sexo caliente en tu noche de bodas" I stare at him glaring.
(As if you didn't have hot sex on your wedding night)
"You two okay?" Ivan asks behind me.
I glare at him.
"Great, nice to meet you" Matteo says shaking his hand.
"¿Lo vas a negar?" He asks me.
(Are you going to deny it?)
"¿Negar qué?"
(Deny what?)
"tuviste sexo caliente con Mr Mafia detrás de ti, en tu noche de bodas" I want to stab him.
(You had hot sex with Mr Mafia behind you, on your wedding night)
"¡¡Está justo detrás de nosotros!!"
(He's right behind us!!)
"Él no puede entender una mierda, cálmate."
(Calm down, he doesn't understand what we're saying)
"¿Me vas a preguntar si me lo follé mientras está aquí?"
(Your going to ask me if I fucked him while he's right there?)
"Míralo a la cara, no sabe lo que estás diciendo."
(Look him at his face, he has no clue what we're saying)
"la respuesta es no no lo hice"
(The answer is no, I didn't)
"Posibilidad de grasa"
(Fat chance)
"Arreglista matrimonio recordar"
(Arranged marriage, remember??)
"a un chico de culo caliente"
(To hot ass man)
"basta de ir a bailar!!!" I yell as he walks off.
(STOP!! Go dance!!)
I breathe out and walk off ignoring Ivan.
I walk outside into the garden and sit on the bench.
"que idiota quise decir dios. Quiero decir, bueno, si se presentara la oportunidad, no diría que no, pero no sucederá, así que es repugnante y ¿por qué estoy hablando conmigo mismo?" I mumble to myself.
(What an idiot I mean God. I mean, well, if the opportunity came up, I wouldn't say no, but it won't happen, so it's disgusting and why am I talking to myself?)
"Careful baby, someone might hear you" Ivan says standing in front of me.
"Yeah whatever" I say annoyed.
"Wait- how did you...don't you dare tell me you speak Spanish" I stutter, shocked.
"Since before I met you. I've been in love with you for 3 years baby of course I learned how to speak to you"
I stand up. Fully ready to kick or slap him.
So as you can imagine I was equally as shocked as him when I kissed him.