Chap. 2 NCAA

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Alex's POV

I tried to calm my nerves as I shook hands with the principle of Florida state. She was tall and thin but had a smile on her face that made her look quite nice actually . She had brown hair that came to her shoulders and hazel eyes . Her office was a nice warm little room that had blue walls with a bird print and yellow curtains in it . There were lockers outside her office for the school and the halls were a gray color that made you feel a little down but I liked it. "So welcome to the NCAA swimming program and the college in Florida" she said as she lead me further into her office . "Well thank you it's a pleasure to be here" I said and she smiled at me. "So I understand that you are here to join the local competition that Mr.collins has arranged " she said . "Yes ma'am i am " I said trying to be respectful witch is hard for me to do sometimes considering I'm such a 'guy' according to all my friends and everyone on my swim team. "Well that's good! I also understand that you are here to have a tour of The swimming college " she said "yes ma'am that would be correct" I said smiling .

"Ok well right this way then" she said leading me out the door and into the hallway where the lockers were. I followed her out there while she rambled on about what I think was the schools history. We walked along the long hallway and I found that all the classes like science , history,geography , and all that crud where all connected to it.I was glad for that I needed my grade up if I wanted to get into the Olympics .

After we made are way through all the classes and I had seen them and the hallway we entered the cafeteria. It was a white room with red kitchen tile.

It was big and there where about 30-40 lunch tables . After that she showed me the library and we finely made are way down to the pools where I met up with Mr.collins . "Ah mrs Wilson!how do you like it so far?" He asked . "I like it very much sir thank you" i said shaking his hand again . As I looked around I saw tons of swimmers doing warm up's , dives , push up's , and swimming laps some were even running laps like we did. "Now if you would please come with me I want you to meet your coach if of corse you decide to join the competition and win" he said . I shook my head yes and said good bye to the Principal .

I walked along with mr. Collins until he lead me to the locker rooms . Just past them was an office with a sign that said 'COACH STEVEN'S OFFICE'

I walked into the room and sitting in a chair signing paperwork was a fit tall man with tan skin and black hair. He looked up at me and smirked just like everyone did when they saw me. well news flash to you people looks aren't everything ! Just because I don't look like it doesn't mean I don't have the fire! "Ah you must be Alex " he said getting up to shake my hand . "Yes sir i am ! Alex Wilson " I said . "Well ok then 'Alex Wilson' " he said mocking me . "Are you ready ?" He asked chuckling . "Readier then you" i said . Mr collins looked shocked at what was coming out of my mouth. I was thinking oh yes I do have a devil side mr collins. I rolled my eyes and stared at coach Steven's and he looked me right in the eye with sternness .

"Well Wilson you seem to have the talk but do you have to game?" He asked and I let my head fall back in laughter they didn't seem to find it funny at all though. "I think that question is better when it's asked to you coach" (i don't ever talk to adults that way it is very disrespectful but alex does in the story ) I growled I hated it when people asked me that. I thought I saw a faint smile on his face as we walked back to the pools. "Well then show me your game " he said and then he called all the students who were there for practice up to meet me. "Guys this is Alex Wilson , she is going to be joining are competition hoping for a scholarship and a chance to go to the Olympics." He said .

I gave a slight wave as they all rolled there eyes at me and I realized that they were all boys. That would make today even more fun! I thought and I meant it! Beating guys was one of my favorite things to do.

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